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Disabling reflective floors


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I hate it. I've played this hangar map a few times and it's floors are reflective. Very impressive looking, the effect is great. I love how it looks. The only problem is that it kinda interferes with me. I can't say if it's just that it drops my framerate and I can't turn fast enough to adequately follow my opponnent, or if it's just that it distracts me. Whatever the cause, it feels like I'm high off my ass every time I play this level. I remember someone else moaning about the reflective floors of some level and demanding that the author change it, and some dude berated him but gave him a command to disable this. I'm having a hard time locating the thread and I'll be damned if search will ever be enabled here (though I'm well aware of why they disabled it) so I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to re-post that command for me.

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Found it finally in a thread in the tech help section. Wasn't the thread I saw but it is the command. Typing in r_fastsky 1 will disable this. I think in that original thread someone also said it did something to the sky. But I'm assuming that to put it back to normal afterwards you set it's value back to 0.

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Hehe n/p. *Bump* to anyone else who doesn't wanna lose this command. I have a piece of paper by my keyboard with various serverside and clientside commands. I added this little command to that piece of paper.

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