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Endless moves?


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Posting this may make me a :newbie: , but what the heck!


You have to discover most of the moves you can perform with a lightsaber in JK2 by your self, and some of them are really advanced ones, which requires lots of clicking and timing to perform. Most players discovers these moves by them self, and I think thats okay. I like to discover moves by my own too. Im looking forward to learn all of these moves, and master the saber like a real prof.


To the point: Where can I find an almost complete list of moves with the lightsaber? :confused: I have been trying for hours, clicking all over the net, in search for a almost complete list of moves! Someone out there must know ALL the moves! They aren't listed on the JediKnightII.net page, and no where to be found on the net, so could someone please help me?

Give me a link or something to the somplete list of moves in JK2 with a lightsaber! Thanks in return :)




-Never Underestimate The Power Of Stupid People In Groups-

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Wow thanks A-lot Yoda_623! I have seen people use more complicated moves than what is written in that Saber Guide, but thanks anyway! Now I can master the basic Jedi saber moves!


If anyone got more than this guide does, about saber moves, then please post em! It would be great if we could list most af all the moves in JK2!


I could really use some Real Hardcore Jedi Master Tricks from a real prof!


Thanks again in return!

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U really should not teach newbies how to do lame moves like pull/push bs or kick bs. Nor should u teach them to use lame strategies that irritates people.

I also think that looking cool does not matter one little crappy bit as long as u kill the enemy HONOURABLY. (not assfighting)

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They will learn it eventually, plus, how else are they going to learn how to counter spammers? Sometimes you got to beat them at their own game!


I also think that looking cool does not matter one little crappy bit as long as u kill the enemy HONOURABLY. (not assfighting)


Heck, I wanna look Cool and the Gang! :cool:

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i'm working on it ok?


watch my posts for it, i've almost got my complete guide on the lightsaber (counters, tactics, moves, etc) done....it will be up soon:)


EDIT: reading that guide.....is thinking no **** sherlock

he calls DFA the charging lunge slash

wow, backstab is such an amazing move that he JUST found out

saber shield? kinda a dumb name because it doesn't shield you...

setforceall 10

how about 5 you idiot

somebody thinks that they know a lot but don't really know a lot....mind trick and then heal...that makes no sense, why not just use heal mind trick uses force power up...?



is my sarcasm losing a bit over the translation from thought-->voice-->text?


and for force powers i have a guide for that written...that and weapons and tips


guide to weapons, strategies, counters, tactics


guide to force powers, strategies, counters, tactics

(don't tell me about sight and sniper shots, i know gotta fix it to that it does)


tips and tricks, has the acrobatic moves, lists of colours for your name, etc



just the information out of the game manual, i'm making it better though and it will be including counters, strategies, tips, counters, etc

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Originally posted by Mentler

U really should not teach newbies how to do lame moves like pull/push bs or kick bs. Nor should u teach them to use lame strategies that irritates people.

I also think that looking cool does not matter one little crappy bit as long as u kill the enemy HONOURABLY. (not assfighting)


There seems to be a VERY strong instinct in this forum to suppress knowledge. We don't want lamers afterall. The fact remains that if you don't even know how all this stuff works, you will be a helpless lemming in a game with people who do know. People push/pull + backsweep, and do it often. At least be fair and explain how it is that they seem to take 15 swings to get a kill if they ever do, yet some people just walk up to them and BAM their dead.


And scripts, whoa man don't ever mention scripts. People are afraid to talk about them. If you even know how you are probably a weak ass, cheating, lowly, lamer.

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