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Kicks in duel mode in FFA - should they hurt or not?


Should there be an option in the 'fanmod' to allow duel mode kicks that take HP?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be an option in the 'fanmod' to allow duel mode kicks that take HP?

    • Yes, that would be great, it would speed up duels and make them more like real ffa sabering.
    • No, it would mess things up, that option would be bad.

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I asked the maker of fanmod if he could put an option in to allow kicks to actually hurt during FFA duels (when you duell someone).


Currently in both 1.03 and 1.02 they don't hurt the person they just move or knock them over.


I think allowing HP (health point) loss during kicks in duel mode would speed up the duels and feel more like real sabering, just in a protected (from others) duel way.


What do you think?

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I dont like the idea.


Someone with a slightly better ping time can easily kick the opponent to death. The other one hardly stands a chance then.


Duels should be about saber fighting. I like long duels actually, no need to shorten them.

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Originally posted by Bluezman

I dont like the idea.


Someone with a slightly better ping time can easily kick the opponent to death. The other one hardly stands a chance then.


Duels should be about saber fighting. I like long duels actually, no need to shorten them.


So you don't like it as an option?

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Another advantage for LPB's?


If you don't have DSL or Cable (or equivalent) what are you doing playing games online?


Upgrade or play SP.


It's the same with hardware - if you don't have the power to run the game, upgrade or don't play.


It's very simple.

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I love that rational


"upgrade or play sp"


One of the most idiotic comments to make for so many reasons that have been beat to death, and so I won't flog it anymore here. :D


In any case, I have t1 connection so I don't have to worry about nothing, but I see people with lower pings always at a disadvantage to those live to exploit that, so again, gotta go find another server or avoid the player with the ping in the teens.


Stick the option in the mod or not, does not concern me a bit cause I will not use it.

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i think that would be absolutely bad...

as a matter of fact, it may be fun using kick on your opponents...well most things are fun when you get them right and they give you a distinct advantage...the infamous backswing is one...but kicking should do much less damage or no damage at all whether or not in duels...


back to duels...no kicking...a duel is meant to be saber to saber...it isn't just supposed to be the absence of guns. after all, that's what star wars revolves a bout to a large extent, sabers and force (though force is duels is bad) and not acrobatics. doing 20 damage makes it worse. a saber hit doesn't always do 80 and sometimes deals 20 or so. yet, a saber is supposed to be a very powerful weapon. it takes 5 kicks to kill a person but at times you can use this plasma sword and slice off parts of your enemy and 5 may not even be enough? but the topic on strengths of the in-game sabers is something else.


out of duels...even out of sabers, it works the same. a blaster doesn't kill you with 1 shot from full health, perhaps with the exception of the charged shot. yet, a kick dealt to a jedi can wipe out a fifth of his energy and strength? even a distrupter only deals 30 damage unless charged further.


I personally feel that kick should merely knock the opponent to the ground. If really needed, perhaps let it deal quite little damage but then again, if it's gonna deal negligible damage, don't even let it do any damage ! What would be the point of kick without its damage? To knock your opponent to the ground ! It's would still be viable. Knock him and slice him or gain an advantage. Push could have been ineffective against him.

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I love that rational


"upgrade or play sp"


One of the most idiotic comments to make for so many reasons that have been beat to death, and so I won't flog it anymore here.

Well, I will :D

QuietSith, I do have DSL and don't have problems if I play on servers in my area. Sometimes I like to play on certain servers in the US (I'm from Yurop) because they have special settings or mods I like. So even though I have the best available internet connection, I have to deal with pings of 150-200. Besides, even if you have good pings, a guy with 90 (which is good ping) would still be kicked to death by a guy with 50.


So you don't like it as an option?
Well, options are always nice. So actually I wasn't really specific in my answer. An option would be ok though my preferred setting would be damage=off. As for the poll, it referred to the question if kicks should hurt, not if there should be an option in the mod. So actually I voted no, but I like the idea of an option :D




you never noticed that no matter how many times you would kick the guy, he would not die?

Hey, let's appreciate that, it means that he never kick-spammed! That's a good thing :D
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If you don't have DSL or Cable (or equivalent) what are you doing playing games online?


Upgrade or play SP.


I read this far.

Not any further, Man you disuqalified everything you might say after this with this one simple sententence. Outstanding I'd say...

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Right now kicks in all modes except FFA dueling seem a little off, I've seen alot of kick spamming lately, the problem with kicking is that it doesn't leave you vunerable at all, if you miss you are still blocking full ability and you generally end up fal enough away from your target to avoid being slashed.


I think they should remove or minimize kick damage in all modes, then increase the probability for it to knock you down. When in the movies do you see a jedi or sith kicking people to death? in the movies kicks are always used to get then in a vunerable position

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actually it should be the other way around, the kicking person takes damage in duels. i mean honestly how can someone kick someone holding a saber in front not take any damage? well i guess if he is wearing lugz. if someone gets a successful kick and knocks the other person down, you get up like an old person on life alert. this frequently allows the kicker to get a heavy slash in which needless to say deals a lot of damage. i think it should be fair to charge a little tax on the kicker to gain an advantage like that.

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