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1.03 sucks.. There was nothing wrong with 1.02


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You guys can't possibly like 1.03 better than 1.02?


You are 10 times weaker ... Saber cannot compete against guns.... But in 1.02 you could easily compete...


Am i wrong on this?


Anytime i try 1.03 i get sick to my stomach.. Cuz i 'm sooo weak.. But in 1.02 i'm a master



of 1.02

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lol..I hope i can get this out before flames start up in here. 1.03-1.02 debate is beaten to death. Everyone knows both are not perfect, the better game is rather in between the two. Some aspects of 1.02, and some aspects of 1.03. That's why fanmod has come out and other clans are working on bringing the saber tobe more lethal. Guys dont' turn this into a flame thread please...just try to be nice on this one? lol

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Originally posted by LuzArius

You guys can't possibly like 1.03 better than 1.02?


You are 10 times weaker ... Saber cannot compete against guns.... But in 1.02 you could easily compete...


Am i wrong on this?


Anytime i try 1.03 i get sick to my stomach.. Cuz i 'm sooo weak.. But in 1.02 i'm a master



of 1.02




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Originally posted by LuzArius

Anytime i try 1.03 i get sick to my stomach.. Cuz i 'm sooo weak.. But in 1.02 i'm a master


There are still 1.02 servers. Come by:


nuclearfallout.net | Saber Only 1.02

[szg] Sokar's FFA | Saber Only 1.02

[szg] Sokar's Duel | Saber 1.02


I want to see if you are a 'master'. Ask for Master Sokar.


And screw 1.03. The community is in limbo right now and I'm going to continue having fun.

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hes just set to invisible


i just wish there could be a happy medium between the 2 versions


i like the original light style better but i like the red a bit more in the new one


the backstab\slash needs to be toned down though


DFA is perfect now i find

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Try playing 1.03 with ghoul 2 activated and sabretrace turned off. You may like it better. As far as the sabres being weaker, learn to adapt. Or play on a 1.02 server. But as has been said, you're really just covering the same territory that's been covered 1000 times already, and not in any particularly novel fashion either.

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