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With all of the Dev's cutbacks...why play?


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I've been thinking long and hard about this. *Ever since the devs said that vehicles may not it into the Intial Release, and that the military (the detailed version, alot of us want) is VERY unlikely to make it in too. In addition, some of the graphics aren't something to boast about (like the Rancor swamps and shorelines). Speaking about it, the Hutts also may not make it in too!* I asked myself, "Why play?"


I really wanted to be a Rebel officer as much as some people want to be Bounty Hunters and Jedi. So, I just figured I'll be a mechanic (oh wait vehicles won't be in), I'll be a smuggler (dito), ok, fine, I'll just be an explorer, earn credits, and improve my combact skills until the patches are released.


What do you think about the changes?


Also, I posted this because a number of naive posters never reliezed the changes.


*=available at starwarsgalaxies.com



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You are just acting silly, and you know it ;). Not being in the initial release means nothing. So what, you have to wait some weeks, or even a month or two before you can buy a speeder? Doesn't matter, especially since you'd propably wouldn't afford one until then anyway! And a rebel officer? You'd propably have to work hard to be able to join the rebels anyway, so what does a couple of weeks mean in the long run?


Sure, it might take more time than some weeks. I don't know: I'm not designing the game. But after all, EQ looked like lego's running around in shoeboxes at first, so this can't start worse, can it? (oh, and I still think EQ looks like lego's running around in shoebox country: but it' s nicer legos, in crisper shoeboxes).



And yes, I consider speeders a very, very small part of what I want to experience in SWG.

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I agree with setsuko.


u will have to start off with very little not much xp and u will have to earn reputation (am i right?). u will also have to put alot of time in to the game to become an rebel officer, jedi, general in the empier, ect. and to me the vehicals are just an added bounes.


So why play if you are going to complain about it?



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Actually, I was a :c3po: in a :bdroid1: 's body!


What I mean is, yes, I want those things, but I suggested them to you, the poster (actually, the repliers), with a SWG Official Forum's Accent , if ya know what I mean!


I wanted to see what people thought about it! I guess people hear weren't as naive as I had perceived!

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Well if u whant to know what i think of this....Well i think it is a load of crap that i dont get to buy a speeder.

i dont want to walk around every were, cuz i might get in a hurry to get off the planet.



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You thought that you would be able to buy a speeder on day 1 if they are in the final retail version... I'm not as sure. Things as 'powerful' as a speeder (immensely increased speed etc) will propably cost you quite a few creds. And you can't get off a planet on a speeder :)


EDIT: what I mean is that by the time that you can comfortably afford a speeder, they will propably had the time to implement it. So no biggie.

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Originally posted by greg g

well what if i blow up kamino hmmm THEN WHAT??? muahaha i think ill take your petty planet instead mine i say MINE


without me to deliver the clones, who will steer ur star huh? right noone, cause i shall rule the universe :)

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Personally i think speeders are an ESSENTIAL part of gameplay. We have 8-12 worlds right? Each 16km squared.


I'll be damned if im walking round the whole lot.


Plus I do not think they are that far behind at all, infact I heard in their interview that they were so confident with their deadline that they may be introducing a new planet soon.

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Hmm.. well, that's another question: will we be able to buy domesticated mounts? Since perhaps we can't use speeders from the start...


What I mean is this: animal tamer A can ride mount X. But can bacta trader B buy mount X, and if he buy it, can he tend to it and ride it?


I would pay handsomely for a good mount.

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I think that most people should be able to look after a domesticated animal: feed it and so on, but only people with the appropriate skills could breed, raise and train animals...


I would pay handsomely for a good mount.


Right this way Ma'am, fine used-animals for a reasonable price only one careless owner :D


hmm, I just had an idea for my secondary character...

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*sees with her inner eye RoyalGuard, at a big parking lot, filled with creatures with big signs on them. RoyalGuard: "Oh, this Kaadu is really nice, only used before by an old lady who used it to go to church on sundays! It's yours for only 5000 creds! A bargain! Selling them at this price is like cutting my own throath!"*

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Yes, ladies and gentlemen I present my secondary character: Blast-my-own-Foot Dibbler (read Terry Pratchett) - a slimy Twi'lek second-hand creature salesman who's not above 'claiming' creatures left unattended...


Full details to appear in the RPG forum...

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