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will there be mandalorian armor plz say yes!~! :)


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they SHOULDN'T be rare...in my point of view...as in you just can't ever get one ike jedi rare...it should be that someone cold probably make something like it or even better or....you got the right amount of credits and the right contacts if you know i mean...cost alot, but not be RARE maybe rare....sorry for the confusion i can not put it any other way

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they SHOULDN'T be rare...in my point of view...as in you just can't ever get one ike jedi rare...it should be that someone cold probably make something like it or even better or....you got the right amount of credits and the right contacts if you know i mean...cost alot, but not be RARE maybe rare....sorry for the confusion i can not put it any other way

Do you mean that they should in theory be available to everyone, but should just be really expensive? (To limit the number of people who can use the stuff).

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:fett: I hope it is rare, I don't wanna see a whole mandalorian army. The Mandalorian armour is the bounty hunter equivalent to Vader's armour. I wonder if it'll have built in weapons? It would be cool to see a jedi in mandalorian gear though.

However, as much as I want the armour for myself I know I'm not gonna find it. To the best of my knowledge there are only 3 characters that sport the mandalorian armour. It's good that it's rare, the armour keeps it's credibility that way. If you do acquire the armour however, I wonder if you can choose the coulour? Crimson red Mandalorian armour would be pretty crazy. :jango:

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What I mean is that the armour will propably not be manufacturable, and be like some sort of epic quest item (EQers will know what I mean). That means that you won't see 500 persons running around in it as soon as you enter a town.


Sure, they might change their minds, and every person you'll meet in the game will wear one. But admit it: that would not be very fun, right? Then we might all as well wear Vader outfits or Darth Maul outfits.


What I request is a slight bit of originality. Planning a BH with Mandalorian armour named "Adam Fett" is NOT a slight bit of originality.

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I think, and i hope, they'll keep it very rare. We know of ONE set of mandalore armour in the whole galaxy.


When they showed the room full of BH in ESB, how many did you see wearing mandalore armour? 1? Thats right. Because Boba has the only set floating around. Show some originality people, get your own look. Make people fear YOU and your BH, don't be another carbon copy Boba Fett.


Is it me or are people becoming less original these days? Be diferent, different is good :).

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yeah.. it would be good to see mandaloinian armor (or however you spell it :D) be rare/.....


imagine that comic of blue milk.. all those same looking bounty hunters in one bar.

BORING. gee.. i hope no bounty hunters will be here :D:p


its the same thing with those tattoos on Zabrak... imagnine a whole town full of Darth Maul look alikes.... BORING!


-Wraith 8-

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4 suits actaully

1 bobas

2 bobas spare (after he got outa of the Sarlac, not equiped that same)

3 Jangos, may be part of bobas origianl but dont belvie so

4 the Boba fetta wannabe chick, thoguh she was never as good as him.


And I hope its accseebile but i want it to be very rare, becuase tehre is no real schematics becuase the Mandolrians that new how to make it died out I belive. Thoguh how Slave 1 is a mandoliran morotrs im not sure.... the bounty hunter triolgy or maybe more thatn 3 anyway great books

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:). I have to say it. Boba Fett died in the Sarlaac. It's a fact, no matter what EU fiction has been released. George Lucas himself said Boba is dead, end of story.


I just can't resist riling up all you BH people ;). It is true though.

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