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Binding..OK, Scripts bad...HMMMM..

Kid Hanover

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I'm new to this game,so my "Jedi" experience pales in comparison to most of the readers, and or posters on this board.


I have read some of the many posts here, and everyone seems totally against binding more than one move to any key. My reason for questioning this is that it seems like a lot of players have some sort of binding or "script" in order to pull of a particular move.


The move I'm interested in understanding is the force pull, and then immediate medium stance sweep that is almost always a one hit kill. I can't do this move the way i see it done...ever. I have to have the oponent placed perfectly (behind me) to get the sweep to work.


How do people do the force pull, pull me in, trip me, then sweep when I'm not even behind them...and do it over, and over ,and over.


Is this a script, or just binding two moves to one key? I can't pull this move off as quickly(or as often) as so many others do.


Any answers would be great.:confused:

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at close range, pull makes your foe fall down. at that point u just face the opposite direction of them and press the back button and attack. im sure someone has probably made a script for the pull+backstab. but it can be done manually easily.


youll soon learn that no matter how you kill someone, theyll say its lame. youll get called a spammer or a script user (even if u arent one). then youll be like me, and learn to ignore them and just play the game.


hope this helps

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Uuuhhhh...Yeah, thank you jarek. That was awfully nice of you to help this newbie back on track... :D:rolleyes:



Here's the deal: I want a good fight. A good fight is not a pull/backsweep contest (<-- Boring).


Still, spamming lame techiques is WAY more acceptable than using scripts. I'd choose to fight a lamer over a cheater any day. :D


Oh..and there's nothing wrong with the pull/backsweep when it is done (even spammed) against scriptkiddies or Uber-lamers.


.......'cause they have no rights. :D :D

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*new to the forums but not to jk*


And I would like to agree Luc Solar. Spamming one move just because you have a dandy exploit (exploit - script or whatever...) is silly(IMO). But to each their own. I may use the dark side of the force but I still adhere to a "Code of Honor" amongst jedi/sith alike :lsduel:

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and I'd like to agree with Jarek: the people who complain about pull/backsweep invariably complain about saber throws in duels, kicking, DFA (even though it's the easiest move in the world to avoid and against a good player it will prolly mean insta-death), basically anything that leads to their death.


you'll be told you're not honourable, or a lamer, or the best one, a homosexual. No, the whiners are the homosexuals. The best one: being accused of complaining about complainers. I'm not complaining, I just think it's pathetic that people get so worked up about something that's not real because the people who freak out aren't even close to being professional caliber. if you're afraid of being pulled/backswept (or as you whiners would call it gay-fighting or lame-fighting or whatever) DON'T PLAY ON PUBLIC SERVERS.


it's Street Fighter 2 all over again kids: EVERYONE knows how to do the powerful legsweep, and everyone should know how to do a fireball/dragon punch but when you beat a guy with it, he'll cry to you. it's easier online because most of the cowards that hurl flames during a public FFA wouldn't even make eye contact with you if they were face to face.

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i think backstab is awesome, i just learned how to use it today and i sometimes am pull/sweeped but you know what? its ok because each level of stance has a supermove. It is balanced, now everyone running around doing it, thats crazy but if you learn how to do the moves yourself you wont complain. I like it the way it is. If anyone wants to play a moded version go right ahead but dont whine: "1.03 sux! 1.03 sux!" its just like diablo2 patches i guess everyone wants everything nerfed except what they use. how would you like it if the backstabbers said: nerf sabers! so they nerfed it so that strong only did like 20 damage? that would suck wouldnt it?

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Originally posted by DannyJAllTheWay

At least yours is lame too!!!!!!!!! *sigh* That is so lame if that's what you do. Sorry to infom you of that.


Thank you...I've been told that many many times, but now that you said it, you have opened my eyes. I didn't pay attention to it when my 4000-5000 victims died from it, but now you are making me think clearly....NOT!

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The problem with all this backrunning/backfighting garbage is very

simple. It's fake. In a real duel if you exposed your back like that

you'd get cut in two in about a second. But in JKII you can get away

with it a million times and not get killed.


If there was a realistic extreme risk of getting killed by a hit on

your wide open back every time you tried the backstab or backspin,

then I wouldn't mind them. Also, if a player has his defense up,

he should be able to block those moves, they shouldn't be magically



The goal here is to have duels that are as much like a *real* saber duel

in Star Wars would be as possible. You can't have that if

there are cheap moves that give unrealistic results (super easy kills,

very little risk to backstab and backspin user) virtually every

time a player uses them.


That's the problem with backspin and backstab, they give

cheap easy kills against skilled opponents the other guy

can't kill any other way (because he lacks the skill to win in

a realistic duel) than to use these exploits, and at

very little risk to himself. This is a completely unrealistic and

imbalanced situation in duels and must be fixed.


And the same thing goes for kicks, JKII is turning into kicking wars.

If you tried to repeatedly kick a Jedi in a duel, you'd get your

leg cut off, plain and simple. And yet every day JKII servers

turn more and more into kick fests. And what's really pathetic

is the kicks aren't even unblockable. If a player has his saber facing

the enemy, there is no way the enemy should be able to kick him. The

guy kicking in that situation should take heavy damage from

jumping into the Jedi's saber and the kicker should get knocked

down himself (he just jumped into a lightsaber, he's lucky if his leg

is still attached to his body).


That would place a realistic risk (the lamers seems to hate the idea

that the reckless moves they want to spam should involve great risk

of getting themselves killed, lol :) ) in trying to kick someone,

then the lamers wouldn't try do it a hundred times per level.

This would make saber fights far more like the real thing.

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Easy ways to get around macro binding for a patch or mod:


1. Make spinning on backstabs possible, but limit it so it's a slower spin, do not allow players to spin at 5,000 RPM. Also, make it so with the blue stance backstab, you cannot kill somone by touching them with your saber at the end of the stab sequence.


2. For kicks, remove the kick entirely, BUT, add a kick hotkey and a REALISTIC kick, such as a hook kick or a Darth Maulish kick seen when he's fighting Obi-Wan 1vs1 at the end of EP1 (I cannot think of the proper name for this move at the moment). This is kind of impossible for a mod, since most people don't have Softimage, but if Raven is willing to take a day or two to make a single animation, it could work. Or even easier, impliment the butterfly kick and make it do damage to players. It leaves you open, and is easy to dodge.

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