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Pull/push effectiveness?


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What effects your probabilty of getting a succesful push/pull? I must be missing something. I can pull someone when I am touching their nose and they won't fall, then I get pulled while standing still facing the enemy, with full force power and down I go.

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there's a long list, but basically if your opponent is running, rolling, jumping, attacking, using a force power or has their back to you, push/pull will be somewhat easier. being closer to your opponent will make it easier. if your opponent has no force in their pool, it will be easier. if your opponent has less levels than you in push, then pushing them will be easier, same with pull ... i think that's all

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you probably are pulling them back


but the thing is if you want them to fall they must hit something when they are pulled


(often the thing they hit is you)


so it works best when they are close to you and have a low force pool (listen for absorb, healing, etc)

moving also makes it easier for them to be pulled

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There must be something else, some sort of little trick, which I'm sure is yet another secret nobody wants to get out (like almost everything in this forum). Because a small group of players I go against seem to be 5x as effective with it as I and most other players are. They can pull me right off my feet almost at will, even if I am looking right at them and standing still, and have plenty in my force pool.


Likewise, I can walk up to someone and be pretty much touching them, and pull don't do jack.


I read in the "neutral force powers" guide that push is best used against opponents facing you, and pull when their back is turned. Which I just don't get. I'm not kidding when I say I can pull at someone who is running away, with their back square in my sights, only a few steps ahead....PULL, PULL, PULL, PULL. They just keep going. Then they do a 180 and pull me right off my feet while I am looking right at them. BTW, they don't have absorb on. I know not to try it when I hear the sound or see the blue glow.


Frankly I think all push/pulls used against a opponent with their back turned shouldn't be blocked/countered. Likewise if I am facing you and have the force power, you shouldn't be able to do jack against me.

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