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WIP: Jabba's palace guards


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first, aL BeasTie, i tryed to delete the r_hand and replace it by a clone of l_hand but the shader was still there. i dont know why.


And the other thing is, the l_hand is not at the correct place at all. its flying separet from the body and making strange moves. did you noticed that?



Grafox, i will send you this bugy version in .glm format with textures. but you will see there are a lot of things to fix, so i probably need to change the model again, what would need new texture setting. so dont go to deep in it, and let us know what do you think of it.

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Originally posted by Duncan_10158

first, aL BeasTie, i tryed to delete the r_hand and replace it by a clone of l_hand but the shader was still there. i dont know why.


And the other thing is, the l_hand is not at the correct place at all. its flying separet from the body and making strange moves. did you noticed that?



Grafox, i will send you this bugy version in .glm format with textures. but you will see there are a lot of things to fix, so i probably need to change the model again, what would need new texture setting. so dont go to deep in it, and let us know what do you think of it.

OK, awaiting the mail grafox@quicknet.nl

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The hands of a model seems to be real challenge. i needed a lot of trys to bring the lightsaber with the correct directoin in his hands. but still one hand is moveing different then it should.


Does somebody know about the hands of a model, where they should be weighted to and if they need something like a shader or something special to work?



Grafox, i send it a few secunds ago.

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I have just fixed all obvious clipping faults. I will load my beta model up and hope a lot of you will help me finding faults, that my still be there. the Gamorrean is looking pretty cool and fully useble. He has also bot support.


I will post a link soon

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Its out, you can get the Gamorrean player model on the following page.




Just click on Gamorrean Beta06 on the top of the Page. The model is 215kb small and still a beta. In fact i alredy found a fault. The lightsaber fits not correctly.


It has bot support but is not yet useble for CTF.

The textures are not perfect yet, on that i am still working.


I hope you will enjoy it and give me some feedback. post or mail( in the readme) all faults you find or suggestions you have.

Everything is welcome.



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One thing i need help to check, if my model is made correctly. because i am pacifist, i cant cutt of boby parts (also there some are technical reasions). so i need people to check this up and report here if the caps are placed correctly or if there are faults.




Gamorrean Beta06 (215KB small) @





post bug reports and suggestions or just enjoy.

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first things first: this looks great. i'm really impressed with how such a fat character conforms to the skeleton.


one thing i noticed is that his back seems kind of "wavy" (for lack of a better term). can you expand him out a tad more so that he doesn't look like he has scoliosis?


also his arms look kinda skinny compared to the rest of his body and i'm not sure what that blue skirt is supposed to be. (can you maybe post some of the pics you used to draw your inspiration from?)


please understand i'm not ripping into your work b/c it looks *amazing*- i'm just trying to help point out some areas that might need a bit of improvement- for the betterment of the model.


oh, and those skin textures... j/k ;)

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Of course, Delmar, i understand you. i am very happy about your statements. that is what i need to improve my model and see things i didnt see bevor.


You asked for some pics i used to model the Gamorrean. mostly i relied on Starwars Databank, here's the link:



But i has also some problems to understand what you mean.

his back is to wavy? and what means 'scoliosis', its not in my dictionary. I dident get the point, could you explain it once again?


You think the textures of the arms should have more detail. That is right. perhaps it is posible to size the texture up and bring more detail in it. and the blue skirt should be a pelt, but it looks very washed out.


And your last coment about the skin texture? do you think it doesnt fit to a Gamorrean?


stay tuned!

and get my Gamorrean here

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ok.. here's hoping i do a good job of explaining myself... :)


my "scoliosis" comment was a bit sarcastic (referring to a disease that results in a curvature of the spine), but i think if you take a look at this pic: scoliosis.jpg you'll get the idea...


also, here are two screenshots i took that might help explain what i'm seeing: gam1.gif and gam2.gif.


A big fat pig alien shouldn't have a dent in that part of his back like a human would. he should be more round. (i don't know if this is a .xsi issue or not but i'm just trying to be constructive in my criticism)..


as for the arms, they just appear to be too skinny. if you take a look at this pic: eu_bg.jpg, you see that they are much larger.


as for all texture comments, i was only being silly - i understand that everything that is currently being used is temporary so if i were you i wouldn't stress about those just yet- the model itself is the most important thing right now i would think.


and the pelt- i see now.. maybe you can use the same method that Major Clod used on the Wookie model to get that fur effect...?


Anyway, sorry for the long post- let me know if there are any points that I did a poor job of explaining.. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

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Now i know what you mean with "scoliosis", i think that can be corrected by weigthing the torso vertics more symetric. the left and the right side are moveing a bit different, that makes that even stronger.


I also think of making the torso a bit smaller in his radius, to avoid that dent and make him more rounder.


About the arms its a bit difficult. the lenght is given, i cant change that cause of the bones. but i can make them look stronger.


I will take a look at the wookie for the pelt thing.

For the texture, it will look better when i size it up, but that can wait, as you said.


Anyway Thx Delmar, stay critic.

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I love the work on these guys! I was just thinking, "Hey! Gammorians would be cool!" and then I saw this post! I remember fighting this !#)$'s in the original DF and would love to hack some of them apart in JKO! Keep up the good work!

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Today i fixed a lot of things on my Gamorrean model, that were mentioned in this tread. I also reweighted nearly the hole model, so it should move shoother the befor.




- Lightsaber is now binded correctly. Backstep hit works and all movings are correct now.


- Made the hands about 20% biger


- Cured 'scoliosis' at the back. he has softer back movement.


- Fixed wrong looking shadow on l_arm and r_leg.


- Put the Gamorrean on a diet, made his belly radius smaller to less interfer with the arms. But he is still very fat.


- dubled the size of the texture, so it locks a lot acrid.


I think that was it, or did i forget something?



By the way, in Epsode VI the Gamorrean Guards have a special weapon, a vibro-ax. it would be very cool to have that in game. it could be made instade of that electro stick. it would be great if someone used to modeling weapons could do that.

Here is a link to SW Databank on Vibro-ax

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