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Counters for the counters???


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Yah, i know i've said 1.03 is a sad state... And part of this is that those moves mentioned above (plus some other moves against certain players) are basically all you need to know to win...


This is how I see it at the mo... We have to make do, or agree on a patch of some sort, 1.04u for example... (but then, why not go back to 1.02, it'd be just as easy!!!) But we have to be wary that changing patches will ruffle everyone's feathers again as people figure out what's best and ppl will start saying more of the same, cheap moves and so on...


WELL, Enough of that!!!


But for the moment, 1.03 is what i have to live with, cos it's what people are playing...


SO as the counters for the major tactics in duels are known, i think i've kinda mentioned several times that duels are like waiting for the other person to make the move... WHY??? So you can counter them... And this is true in most cases for me, like waiting around 10 minutes, making half-assed tricks at each other, but no commitment either way, else the counter will come round... Dark side players tho can easily spit out the lightning or the grip for short periods... And ranged attacks like the saber throw/pull combo come out and occasionally connect... But nobody has the courage to go for the big saber moves anymore!!! Not even surprise is enough, people keep their distance that much!!! It's sad... (haha, so why i still play, i don't really know... to watch for new developments again i guess...)





So does anyone know like counters for the counters to the big moves and so on??? cos these are required to restore confidence to saber fighting again...


Sorry for the Loooong-windedness of this post :) but i felt entitled to just outline my little story from the start...

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well i know the counter to the saber pull move.


hit speed and roll underneath the saber throw and then run up and kick them, then throw your saber at them for another 30 points of damage. thats 50 damage points right there. thier half dead from one unwise move.

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well first of all i have to totally disagree with this post


if anybody has seen my fight i always try to attack first!



everybody knows the main counter to DFA is to backstab them while they are crouched right? to counter this switch to light while you crouch and backstab them instead!:)



if they pull and saber throw roll out of the way or do what leelink said



if somebody is attacking like mad saber throw them like mad, the counter to the saber throw is to avoid it, or STOP SWINGING!

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom

well first of all i have to totally disagree with this post


if anybody has seen my fight i always try to attack first!



everybody knows the main counter to DFA is to backstab them while they are crouched right? to counter this switch to light while you crouch and backstab them instead!:)



if they pull and saber throw roll out of the way or do what leelink said



if somebody is attacking like mad saber throw them like mad, the counter to the saber throw is to avoid it, or STOP SWINGING!


Why dont you think about jumping?Just stay in your regular stance and let the saber come toward you.When it hits your saber it will come back to the owner of the saber and no damage made!And if they get the saber behind you and your enimie is in front of you, why dont you just attack them while they dont have there saber in there hands and(if you have the right timing)just do a backflip and they will find out not to do it again because you are the smart ass and he is the dumb ass.I also found out that if you get pulled just jump whil in middle of you getting pulled.Or just do dfa on there little asses and let them cry as long7 as they live because they suck?

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if you tried to jump over the saber then when they pull you, you will just get kicked by the person throwing the saber. you have two options. roll away as soon as you see it thown or roll and attack. moving out of the way doesnt work well, because when they pull, it will pull you back into the saber. If is a very difficult move to counter and you will have to practice and anticipate when your opponent will use it. you dont have to use speed by the way, but the saber might hit you on the way back. still only 30 damage to you and 50 to the other guy though.

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Originally posted by leelink

if you tried to jump over the saber then when they pull you, you will just get kicked by the person throwing the saber. you have two options. roll away as soon as you see it thown or roll and attack. moving out of the way doesnt work well, because when they pull, it will pull you back into the saber. If is a very difficult move to counter and you will have to practice and anticipate when your opponent will use it. you dont have to use speed by the way, but the saber might hit you on the way back. still only 30 damage to you and 50 to the other guy though.


duh me :) haha, thanks for the speed tip... (i almost never use speed, so i never thought about it, haha) yah, i usually just roll out of the way, sometimes i try the roll towards them trick, but i sometimes get hit by the returning saber cos i'm not fast enough...


hehe thanx twins for the fake DFA trick... but methinks that won't work forever...


btw... moving for a while to the new patch to see whether it's worth it... (first impressions are good)

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