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I was hoping someone could teach me to kick accurately and agressively to finish off my oponenet. Many time, I end up jump around and around instead of kicking. What consideration come into play when you kick? What other factors may apply?



Can someone go over how to do the pull kick combo and what consideration are there.


THanks in advance

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Ping time to the server is always a factor due to the minute(sp?) timing involved in kicking. Just have to be close, double tap jump. Will usually get the job done :)

Just watch for openings your opponent has, then rush in; or run toward him, dodge at last second, and kick him in the back or side. Dirty kicking is always fun, hehe, but people who spam it are a pain. I hunt down and kick the kick spammers to death, thus becoming a kick spammer myself i suppose :p

If you're quick enough, or your opponent is slow enough, kick can be a good counter after youve been pulled to the ground and they are going for the backslash/backstab.

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