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Flame Wars will be,i fear....


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Shut up stupid












doo doo head




I hate you


I despise you


I hope you fall off of a cliff


I think you are a panzy


Your momma's so fat, she couldnt fit through the front door

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At least Im not a battle droid.


You are a ho. (by that, I meant the tool you use in the garden;) )


You need an enima


You feed off of dead rats and other assorted rodents


Your dad hates you


Your mom hates you


you hate you


You are a horse eater


Did I forget anything?


oh yea, you suck. :D

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I'm a droid, so how do I eat rats and horses?


Your face would kill even a demon just by looking at it.


You're Father was the devil, and your mother was street-trash.


Toe-jam is your favorite food.


You have to sell your soul to someone just for them to touch you.


Anything else?Oh yeah, you have a secret relationship with :jarjar:







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better then having a secret relationship with --------->:ewok:



Your head looks like a co-co nut, and your breath smells like urine



You are the purple teletubby


You ate all of the other teletubbys


You couldnt climb your way out of a paper sack.


You let the wookie win.


You have relations with telephone poles


You are a telemarketer


Your role-model is carrot top



(This has to be the best flame thread-spoof I have ever seen! Even though I think if a mod sees this it will surely be closed)


untill then, You are a maggot

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You are an alchoholic


You are addicted to crack


You live in a broke down trailer



You are so poor, you cannot afford a decent modem(TAKE THAT!;) )


Your breath could melt a klondike bar


You need excersise


You need a bath


I hate the way you do stuff

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You have to have ten beers just to get out of bed.


You have spent 99.9% of your money on pot


You live right next to a nuclear power plant that has alot of radiation leaks


You dont even have an internet connection, so you have to use your friends 56k dial-up.[take that!;)]


A dump smells better than your breath.


A crippled 1 minute old baby has more exercise than you.


You dont even have a bathroom in your house.

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Here is why Picard never let worf play with phasers:



Data: Sir, the bad guys are shooting at us.


Picard: Fire at will, Mr.Worf.


*Worf takes out a phaser, and vaporizes William T. Riker*


Picard: Not WIll Riker!


*Worf vaporizes wesly crusher*


Picard: NO! Not Wil Wheaton either! The aliens Worf! Shoot the aliens!


*Worf vaporizes Deanna Troi*


Picard: oy vey.............

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Here is why Picard never let worf play with phasers:



Data: Sir, the bad guys are shooting at us.


Picard: Fire at will, Mr.Worf.


*Worf takes out a phaser, and vaporizes William T. Riker*


Picard: Not WIll Riker!


*Worf vaporizes wesly crusher*


Picard: NO! Not Wil Wheaton wither! The alians Worf! Shoot the alians!


*Worf vaporizes Deanna Troi*


Picard: oy vey.............


You kid about it but when Mr. Worf was training there were 18 William's in his class and none of them made it through... When Commander Riker first came on board he wouldn't tell anyone his first name...

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