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Simple question (Hopefully)

Morpheous Kun

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I'm relatively new to this forum, and had a simple question (hopefully not already asked, people get touchy about those things sometimes). During gameplay, I think I've read about buying clothes and such. I'm just wondering if this is true or if you just have the same clothes the whole game. I think a cloak would be nifty, a Strider-like quality if you were. Um, thank you for your time.


:ewok: Haha ewoks are funny.

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Like sets said.....

you will be able to buy new clothes from a guy that learned the skills :D


and no.. it hasnt been asked very much :D


oh and ofcourse:




hope to c you around more :D


-Wraith 8-


why is my sig pic not worlking?

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes some ppl do get touchy about that, thoguh as far a cloths go, dont know how there gonna be desiging them and all, but cloacks are defeintely gonna be popular I bet, specially for the Jedi wannabes, I wanna run around in a pair of shorts the whole game, thatd show them, up till I got shot for being to dumb becuase I diindt where armour, which brings me to my second point of this post, how will armour effect teh clths your whearing, will it show through on spots the armor doesnt cover? be nice and will armour be restricing your abilites, im new to MMORPG so thats why i ask.

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You rascal. Well, propably layers, yes. For instance, if I don't remember wrong, the devs talked about vests and such not long ago, that they would be layered. Then you should be able to wear at least some kinds of armour hidden under your clothes. But don't take my word on this.

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