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Dark Jedi Order - Sith Order Recruiting


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The Sith Order is looking for Strong Willed, Dedicated Members to join us in the fight against the Light.

We have many Positions Still Open and Actively looking for ONLY the Darkest and Purest Evil to join us in the Warrior, Intelligence, and Force Castes... Only with the insight and willingness to learn the Power of the Dark Side of the Force will the Imperial Order truely become the strongest!!

Together we will Hunt Down and Obliterate All Light., And anyone that stands in our way will suffer Dearly for their lack of faith in our cause.


If interested please apply at: http://www.avidgamers.com/DJO/


once you are accepted follow the link to the Temple of the Sith


- Scourge

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*handles over the easy kill*


Anyone wants the kill? Anyone?


Ok, I'll try to be as serious as I can be in the precense of 'future sith'. Nope, I'm not interested in crushing light. Oh, and tell me if I stand in the way. Then I'll move, so you can fight and die somewhere else, while I'm in the bar, enjoying myself! :)

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Hehehehehehe. :max:



Damn you setsuko for getting here before me ;).


I wonder, Scourge, does 'there are only ever two, a master and an apprentice' mean anything to you? Otherwise, good luck with your conquest plans. I feel I'll be laughing more than trembling though!

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Only with the insight and willingness to learn the Power of the Dark Side of the Force will the Imperial Order truely become the strongest!!


That kills me.... it really does. My friend if you have not read some of our previous discussions then the lads and myself will fill you in.


Jedi are HUNTED AND KILLED by the Empire. Whether you are Light or Dark.


Besides you have to start off as Light and then 'fall'.


So many Sith PA's believe they are going to be furthering the cause of the Empire... Why do I have a feeling they are in for a suprise when they go around and start Force Burning everything in sight.

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A group of about 2 jedi or something...lol...commoners...


You don't talk to commoners? You must be a pretty lonely guy!





Go triumph!


Oh and I do look forward to meeting you in game and...er dark siding your ass! LoL... :D


The dark side rules...



A little OT here: I just watched A New Hope, ESB, and ROTJ and I noticed that throughout lukes training he wavers on the dark and the light side...this is while he is becoming a jedi...

To my point:

So why as my understanding permits, do you have to become a full Jedi in order to fall...why can't you teater on the brink of the dark side while learning to use the force, and instead of doing it properly and having to stave off such evil feelings you have to be good?

Did that make sense? Why do you have to be good first in order to be bad? Does this mean that if I run into a dark Jedi in the game, will s/he be the ultimate badass because they have to get to be a full GOOD jedi then FALL? Then they will be super good and I will just be bantha fodder?

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Anyway, to adress your question, TyrX.


You're right.

You DON'T have to become a Jedi in order to be a Dark Jedi. Darth Maul is only one example of this. Another that springs into mind, is from the time of the Old Sith Empire (back when the Sith was an Empire and not a cult as it is 'today'). Altough you wouldn't call them Dark Jedi's since they are Sith (confusing? ;) ).


Wether or not this will be the case in-game remains to be seen.

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Didn't the Sith come first anyways? Weren't they always infighting to prove who is the best anyways...damned wonderful violence!


I think it would be cool if on your quest(in game) to gather your holocron and what-not you could stumble across sith teachings and texts and kinda learn some sith powers? WEll I know that will not happend but it would be neat...


Ahh beautiful dreaming...how I love thee!

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Originally posted by Lord_Scourge

It is just a name..a branch of the PA


but we will be jedi and I look forward to meeting each and everyone one of you.... no need to reply. I dont acknowledge commoners


Son, I'm sorry, but you really need to stay out of the sun, more often. You see, the Sun (that big yellow/orange thing in the sky) kills braincells! Or maybe it was the alcohol, I don't remember!


You live in Florida, for pete's sake! Go surfing!

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Actually, the sith was a civilization - a people- which the Dark Jedis/Fallen Jedis impersinated to be gods over. Over millenias the interbreeding between the off-worlders and the Sith wiped out any distinctions between them. They all become as one race.

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So let me get this straigh...the "sith" were actually first a non-force sensitive civilization until fallen/dark jedi came to the planet and mated with all the "sith". Then after millenia they were all one race that were force sensitive? Neat.


Then how did it become that there can be only 2 of them? Was it because the jedi killed them all? And that the sith were so greedy and filled with the dark side that they would not share their knowledge with anybody except a padawan? Then because the padawan is filled with the dark side he wants to destroy his Master so he can be the master and that's why the "apprentices" always try to get another jedi to join them to destroy the master?


Did that make sense?

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(From memory, so might have made one or two mistakes)

The Sith were an Empire of humans on the outer rim/unknown regions. Approxiamately 25000 - 20000 years before ANH, rogue Jedi fled the then fledgling Republic to beyond the bounds of known space. There they encountered the Sith - a primitive culture, and, after the dark Jedi demonstrated their powers, they became Lords over the Sith.


The Sith were a relatively primitive race, but they made excellent slave labourers and soon the Sith Empire began to expand. 5000 years before ANH The Republic encountered the Sith Empire and a huge war began (the Hyperspace War), which ended with the the almmost total destruction of the Sith, and the flight of Naga Sadow to Yavin 4. Naga found the Massassi and froze himself in suspended animation, waiting for revenge. Six hundred years down the road, a young Jedi called Freedon Nadd found Sadow's 'tomb' and was instructed by the Sith. Nadd travelled to and subjugated the world of Onderron, which was ruled by Nadd's descendants until 3998 years before ANH, when the two heirs to the Empress Teta system found his tome, and awakened the power of the Sith fully once more. As the heirs began to make a bid for power in their home system, one of the Jedi sent to investigate Nadd's tomb was turned to the Dark Side by Nadd's spirit and gained the Sith Lore in Nadd's tomb. His name was Exar Kun. Combining forces with other rogue Jedi (including Ulic Qel Droma, his partner and eventual betrayer) and the Mandalorians, Kun was set to destroy the Republic before his betrayal and retreat to Yavin 4 from the Jedi. The lore was lost, and the Sith again dissapeared from history until...


2000 - 1000 ANH when another rogue Jedi revived the Sith Empire of old, and was again defeated by the Republic. Sith survivors of this debacle fled to Ruusan under the leadership of Sith Lord Kaan. The Sith were pursued to Ruusan by Jedi master Hoth and his army of light, and were eventually exterminated on Ruusan, except for one man - Darth Bane - who took an apprentice and created the rule of two.


The Sith progressed this way until the time of TPM, where at last they revealed themselves to the Jedi - and exacted their revenge.

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Very impressive, Royal Guard. :)


Only a few details though.


The Sith (25000-20000 B.B.Y*) was not humans, as I remember it they were a race called the Sith. Race name might be wrong, but they were not humans.


Another thing, by the time of 2000 B.B.Y., the term Sith had changed from describing an empire (the first true Sith Empire was destroyed in the Hyperspace War) to describe a cult who dedicated themselfs to the old teachings of the Sith Empire of the Dark Side.

No real empire (that we know of so far) was ever established after the fall of the original Sith Empire, and no reports have been revealed of anyone ever seen a Sith after that.


Sidenote: I must re-read about Exar Kun, cause i honestly can't remember ever seeing anything mentioned about Mandalorians. :confused:


And they were not exterminated, they destroyed themselfs by creating a thought-bomb which had the result of sucking in all the life force - light and dark - of everyone near that valley on Ruusan, the valley which later became known as The Valley of the Jedi.


Extra info on Darth Kaan and Darth Bane and the rule of 2:


This New Sith Order, which sprung up a 1000 years earlier, became more and more disorganised as a whole, and powerstruggles between the Sith Lords were frequent. Not willing to share the ruling over this Order, aswell as fighting against the Republic/Jedi armies, eventually brought the Sith Order to it's own knees. Darth Kaan made a valient, but ultimatly futile attempt to unite most of the Sith Order in a last ditch effort to strike at the Republic and the Jedis. It failed on Ruusan.


Darth Bane managed to escape this fate and took on an apprentice to keep the Sith teachings alive. He chose stealth and secrecy, aswell as creating the rule that stated:

Only 2 Sith Lords at any time - a master, and an apprentice - untill the time was ready to strike back at the Republic and, most of all, the Jedis.

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From the Star Wars Data Bank:


An ancient order of Force-practitioners devoted to the dark side and determined to destroy the Jedi, the Sith were a menace long thought extinct. The current incarnation of the Sith is the result of a rogue Jedi dissident from the order. Two thousand years ago, this Jedi had come to the understanding that the true power of the Force lay not through contemplation and passivity. Only by tapping its dark side could its true potential be gained. The Jedi Council at the time balked at this new direction. The Dark Jedi was outcast, but he eventually gained followers to his new order. Awakening beliefs from the dark past, the new Sith cult continued to grow. With the promise of new powers attainable by tapping into the hateful energies of the dark side, it was only a matter of time before the order self-destructed. Internecine struggle by power-hungry Sith practioners dwindled their numbers.


One Sith had the cunning to survive. Darth Bane restructured the cult, so that there could only be two -- no more, no less -- a master, and an apprentice. Bane adopted cunning, subterfuge, and stealth as the fundamental tenets of the Sith order. Bane took an apprentice. When that apprentice succeeded him, that new Sith Lord would take an apprentice.


Thus, the Sith quietly continued for centuries, until the time of Darth Sidious and his apprentice, Darth Maul. By that time, the galaxy at large had believed the Sith to be extinct, a fabled threat from the past. Qui-Gon Jinn's report of a Sith attack on Tatooine was met by the Jedi Council with hesitation and skepticism. Surely if the Sith had returned, the Jedi would have detected it, they reasoned.


The dark side, for all its power, is ultimately hard to detect when required. A shadowy master like Darth Sidious was able to keep his presence a secret, even when sharing a world with the Jedi Temple.


With the death of Darth Maul at Naboo, the Jedi Council realized that the Sith menace was true. What they hadn't puzzled was whether Maul was the master, or the apprentice. Years would pass before the Sith menace arose once more, a menace that would eventually come to engulf the entire galaxy.




Although the modern era of the Sith is attributed to Darth Bane, and the Dark Jedi that preceded him, the cult can find its roots further back in the galaxy's ancient past. Long before the Republic rose, there lived a culture on the planet Korriban. These primitive people were called the Sith, and the Force flowed strongly through their bloodlines. Although they didn't practice the Force as the Jedi would, they were talented in their own brand of magic.


In the early days of the Jedi, a great schism tore the order apart. Jedi who had tapped the forbidden power of the Force's dark side rebelled against their light-sided brothers. After a terrible war, the Dark Jedi were exiled from the Republic. Past the Republic's growing borders, these castaways discovered Korriban and the Sith people.


Powerful with the dark side, the Jedi outcasts set themselves up as gods on Korriban. The primitive Sith worshipped them as their lords, and so the Jedi grew, and built temples and monuments to celebrate their power. Millennia of interbreeding blurred the distinction between Sith native and offworlder, and the term Sith came to encompass not only the indigenous people of Korriban, but also the powerful overlords that ruled them.


Five thousand years ago, during the Sith Empire's golden age, a Republic explorer vessel stumbled upon the secluded worlds of the Sith. One Sith Lord, Naga Sadow, saw this as an opportunity to invade the Republic, and exact vengeance on the Jedi who had banished them. History would record the invasion that followed as the Great Hyperspace War, and it would be the first of many terrible conflicts between Jedi and Sith.


Time and again the Sith and Jedi would clash, with devastated worlds lying in their wake. The last great conflict took place on the scarred plains of Ruusan. The Sith Lord Kaan and his Brotherhood of Darkness did battle with the Jedi Army of Light. From this onslaught, one Sith escaped: Darth Bane. It was he who would resurrect the order with duplicity and secrecy in mind.

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Thanks Jan, knew I forgot something, yes Ruusan holds the location of the valley of the Jedi, and so anyone finding a Sith holocron from the Darth Bane era onwards could conceivably find the source of incredible power...


The Mandalorians worked for Ulic Qel Droma after he defeated their leader in single combat. Ulic ordered them to assualt coruscant, which they did until they were abandoned and then defeated...

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

No, secrecy. lol :D


God, can't believe I didn't remember THAT word. Hahaha Somebody hit me, plz? I truly deserve it. :D


And where you been, Koffin? :)



I moved, had to go a whole five days without internet.....


So i tried this new thing with my family.

They call it Quality Time.


Really missed the net.:ball:

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