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Yuuzhan Vong soldier (wip)


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very nice body model however the face looked very neglected of detail. It looked nice but it looks like you just modeled the ears and the head structure without modeling any parts of his face and stuck the skin on. I loved the skin though but it needs to have a face model.

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What kind of ****ing dickfaced amature uses a picture thats is anywhere even RELATED to starwars.com, most of the pictures they use their are not only inaccurate with the books but they really do look bad, I still can't get that really ugly one of jacen solo out of my mind, god that picture is ugly. Get your samples off of book covers and out of the descriptions IN the BOOKS, because other than a few characters like Corran Horn Mara Jade and Talon Karrde, theres not many good accurate pictures of EU characters. And even the behind the scenes pics of corran horn looking like dash bloody rendar are crap.

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thanks all :)


Galactic Magi : yea , my modeling skills arent the best, especially when it comes to somehting that cant be easily made out of a cylinder. the face is in fact just a slightly tweaked sphere-like cylinder, with a jaw.

in a way i thought that it was the best way to do it because i wanted the detail of the spikes and tentacles and i knew with all of those the pcount would be pretty high (3580)


-DS-Tha Skurge : yea you caught me i did say i was going to release it yesterday. but i fell asleep and woke up around 12:00am so i got it all togetehrt and sent it in around 12:30


Corran2015 : critic taken, i first off have not read any of the books, so am lacking as a true to eu concept. i choose to do the model off of that reference mostly because i was tired of humans (and i am bad at them :p ) and i wanted to do something freakish and grotesque. i looked at the covers and just wasnt riled like i was when i saw the one at starwars.com. also i have heard others talk about how they are working on Yuuzhan Vong models, i heard one of them talking about doin Nom Anor and the other doing a Tsavong Lah in a more true to the book way. seeing that both of these creators were doing them i knew that my place was the rpg concept of them. i know to the reader it seems like a bat/rat man with stupid expression on its face :p

im sorry it does not meet up to your standards.



special thanks to Don C. McPartland (hes the guy who puts up the files) for taking screenshots of the model in game! very nice , thanks again,


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I might be missing something here, but I've played with the model for a few minutes and it seems that every one of the force attacks are generated from the side of his body and not from his hand.

For example: the red hand in Grip seems to be floating on the side and not infront of his hand. Also, with the lighting; it is generated from the side of his body and not from the front of his hand.

Hope you fix this.

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waaa! i dont use force so i didnt notice it!

ah thank you so much, i fixed it, bolt_l_hand was weighted to pelvis like all th other bolts , but it shoudl have been weighed to l_hand.




ill send in and hopefully get it fixed arg i should have noticed it before i sent in to jk2.net. beta testers , definately for next model...


thanks again Drew Carey (... for real?)

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Im surprised you can brush off retarded flamers like that keto! Corran starts a mindless bashing out of pure idiocy and immaturity and you can just brush it off. Just goes to show you how stupid some people can be because someones creation isnt up to their standards. Corran if you dont like it dont download the model and dont post in the thread, or better yet, do us all a favor and leave permanently! If he wanted to base it off another picture let him! Theres other models of this guy being made so its nice to have a little variety in the look.

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Originally posted by Corran2015

Lots of ignorant commentary


Dude, get a life and then use it to make your own models that are up to your ultra-strict fan-boy standards. :rolleyes:


KETO: You are the man, keep up the good work. Just want you to know that your hard work is appreciated.

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Thanks for thanking me even though all i did was compliment you model. But seriously this is definately one kick ass model. And for anyone that has a problem with it not looking like the book I think it does for the most part so just use this one to replace the stormtroopers or reborn and when nom anor tsvalong come out they replace desann and tavion. But anyways great job keto!!!!!!!!!:D

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How bout those that have read the books this character is in post their comments? At least those that have a brain powerful enough to figure out what a vong looks like from the picture of Vua on on ebook cover, a hell of a lot of other descriptions inside the book, and that one face on Vector Prime.

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well thank you for thanking me for thanking you :)


next project is a large one and will take more time than other projects in the past. i dont really want to give any detail on it as i want to get more done before any news.



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really well done model. i think it fits the feel of the Vong, and since their is so many different ways the vong CAN look according to the books it leaves the community more chances to make some different soldiers.


if i can ever get this NJO mod worked out (still finishing the design document) ill email you about using the model.


once again, great work. ill have some fun hunting down those jedi-killers ;)

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I love this model, you had my support from the beggining bro (and always will), I might do an extra skin for him too ;)


I wish you'd do that girl that I sent you pictures off but since you're scared of girl type models I don't think that'll happen anytime soon (she's really good for it though, she has that look) but eh.. w/e

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