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Super combo, no need to butt fight, but youll still be cheap


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Okay, lets have this combo replace all the butt fighting so we can have people complain that this 5 move combo is cheap. I used it quite a few times and get called cheap when I use it. its better then butt fighting but the complainers will never be happy.

to perform the move you need close to full force.


have you enemy directly in front of you about 6 steps or less away, then throw your saber and pull just as your saber gets about 2 steps away from them. this will cause the saber to hit them. now get ready to kick right away after you pull them toward you. then once you kick them that will send them flying on thier back. run to them and then do the light lunge very quickly and saber throw immediately after that.


this combo is difficult and takes some practice and usually kills. its does 110 points of damage.


or you could replace the lunge and saber throw with a DFA, after the kick just go into the DFA. I find the dfa to be more risky though.


Dont worry though, after all that people will still call you cheap. So go experience for yourself, no matter what you do to win, it just wont be good enough. I say play the way you want to play and if its within the game rules then its okay and dont worry what anyone thinks. I know I dont anymore. computer games are the most fair games you ever play, because everyone has the same abilities and rules. I would hate to see some of you playing basketball, I can hear it now. thats cheap, your center is 8ft and mines only 6ft... we need to play without a center.

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if i heard you turn on absorb I just wouldnt attempt it and wait for you to run out or shut it off and then pull and backstab you.


At 6 steps away though you wont have enough time to turn on absorb and even if you do, you still cant roll underneath a saber throw from 6 steps away. (well say you can though for the sake of argument) You would help complete the combo by rolling at me, because of the time delay from your roll to when you would get up. that gives me more then enough time to kick you and get me back right where I left off, I will still get my saber throw damage too, because by rolling you will be just standing up as my saber goes through your back. I have done it many times. theres not a whole lot you can do to counter it, except push or running backwards. you still get hit with the saber either way though.



why not buttkick original style? It because there is nothing to it but swinging and moving around in a circle. its just as lame as any other tactic only it takes a bit longer.

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Same here jeve. If someone is weak for something exploit it, and force them to either lose always, or learn to defend against it.


Ppl say spamming is cheap because they don't like their weaknesses exploited, and they will always keep whining how you have no skill, while it is they who lack defence.


I'll be the first to admit they in some situations thing like backstabbing become boring, for example when a FFA match turns into one big backslash cluster****, but in a duel there are no such things as cheap moves, only exploits of other peoples weaknesses

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Every physical team sport has spammed move. take volley ball. they spam the spike, why ? because its part of the game and its the best way to get a point.


here is the defination of a game


A "competitive" activity or sport in which players contend with each other according to a set of rules


If i play within the set rules you should have nothing to complain about. everyone one has the same rules and abilities. figure it out and quit complaining about spam. be a man dude. quit making excuses for your lack of skills.


I play to win within the rules of the game and If people hate me for it or hate the moves, then so be it. I say learn how to play.

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Protect would keep you alive. Jumping over the first thrown saber would do it too, though it would open you up to a follow up attack. Using push would negate the rest of the attack but you'd still get hit with the intial thrown saber.


Devastating attack, yes, but it's not without counters, which I think is the point here.


Backstab can't be blocked and can be mostly scripted so there's really no skill involved with it. This chain attack, otoh, does require some level of skill.

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leelink: im not objecting. but you repeatedly imply that you dont understand that it is not using an arbitrary move or combination that is thought of as cheap, but spamming.


upon being confronted with the opinion that _spamming_ is cheap, you retort with something like "uh, well what other _move/combination_ should i use then, people whine about all moves", failing yet again to comprehend that it is not the move, but the spamming that is thought of as cheap.


a bit dense, are we?

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Originally posted by Jevesus

leelink: im not objecting. but you repeatedly imply that you dont understand that it is not using an arbitrary move or combination that is thought of as cheap, but spamming.


upon being confronted with the opinion that _spamming_ is cheap, you retort with something like "uh, well what other _move/combination_ should i use then, people whine about all moves", failing yet again to comprehend that it is not the move, but the spamming that is thought of as cheap.


a bit dense, are we?


you'll notice that I havent attacked you personally in this post but because you keep saying thing like I'm dense and failing to understand. I would like to see anything you might have contributed to the community. I can name countless things. I was first to post a dfa script, I was first to post this combo, I made a strategy guide that tells you specifically how to counter push and pull, I host 2 servers the community can play on, I was first to post about the saberthrow and pull. And what have you done? As far as I can tell you take every chance to try and put me down.


I perfectly understand what spam is. GET USE TO IT, ITS IN "EVERY" GAME. dont wine about people spamming you. figure out how to counter it and post a strategy. I'm tired of listening to you wine. everyone that plays a game spams! its called a playing style, (they use a lot of the same moves and strategies over and over) just some have less moves in thier playing style.


Its like this, I like to pull and push, but when someone gets close to me and puts on absorb and then runs and turns it off and then gets close and turns it on, I dont say quit spamming absorb. figure it out and quit bashing me. post something useful.

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you forgot saying



been an excellent member for Jedi Headquarters Clan

not only run 2 servers, but another private one for JHQ members

and helped not only people of lucasforums but helped many JHQ clan members:)



Jeveus put your money where your mouth is. Come fight with the JHQ on any .[JHQ].(FF or NF).SaberOnly. server, I would like to fight you, leelink and I both look for you and never find you, if you want to continue bashing our every post come show us what you are made of!

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When someone pulls u in quickly switch to heavy stance, kick then in the gums and knock them on their ass(most will try the usual pull/BS).As you start your kick press attack(keep holding) and then quickly tap forward and jump at the same time when you land for a DFA.This 2 hit combo is my revenge against silly pull/BS peeps.I've seen quite a few peeps disconnect after being tamed by this move.


Happy Hunting.

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I've very much enjoyed these little "discussions" you 3 (leelink, Twins of Doom, Jevesus) seem to continually have. A final showdown would be something I would love to see a demo of, make sure you record one for us all to see! ;) I seriously doubt it will ever happen though. :(



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Originally posted by lexx

I've very much enjoyed these little "discussions" you 3 (leelink, Twins of Doom, Jevesus) seem to continually have. A final showdown would be something I would love to see a demo of, make sure you record one for us all to see! ;) I seriously doubt it will ever happen though. :(



i look for jevesus every time i go onto jedi outcast, and i have told him where he can find me, funny...i've never seen him yet

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I probably shouldn't be sticking my nose into this, but here is my view of what's going on between jevesus and twins/leelink, not that my view really matters.


This is probably due to the fact that typed messages cannot express things as accurately as could something spoken verbally, but Leelink and Twins tend to communicate that they "have far more skill than you no matter what and I hardly ever make mistakes and I am an authority on this matter" in their postings. This is probably true, but it tends to provoke people, like jevesus. Leelink and twins tend to make me feel bad about how I play more than jevesus ever would for some reason.


I'm not flaming and I like everybody here, but I thought that maybe twins and leelink would like to know that their tone can be a bit upsetting at times. I am not excusing jevesus's insulting attitude, though.


Please don't hold this against me, I am a nice person and this is just my impression. I'm not saying anyone needs to change or that they are innappropriate or anything.


And remember, no one can come close to being as provoking as artifex was. hehe!



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Originally posted by MediocreSlacker



I probably shouldn't be sticking my nose into this, but here is my view of what's going on between jevesus and twins/leelink, not that my view really matters.


This is probably due to the fact that typed messages cannot express things as accurately as could something spoken verbally, but Leelink and Twins tend to communicate that they "have far more skill than you no matter what and I hardly ever make mistakes and I am an authority on this matter" in their postings. This is probably true, but it tends to provoke people, like jevesus. Leelink and twins tend to make me feel bad about how I play more than jevesus ever would for some reason.


I'm not flaming and I like everybody here, but I thought that maybe twins and leelink would like to know that their tone can be a bit upsetting at times. I am not excusing jevesus's insulting attitude, though.


Please don't hold this against me, I am a nice person and this is just my impression. I'm not saying anyone needs to change or that they are innappropriate or anything.


And remember, no one can come close to being as provoking as artifex was. hehe!




sorry if my manner of speach ticks you off, it's just the way i talk, always the way i've been....not sure how i do it but.....sure;)


i was here when artifex was here too...talk about provoking a fight attitude

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Yes, I hate to say it Twins and Leelink but you're tone of voice does seem arrogant. You might not want it to come across that way but that is how it is percieved by many. It is quite easy to take someone the wrong way in Forum's as there is no facial expression to judge someone by. I think you should think about how other's interpret what you write. ;) Just a friendly suggestion. :D

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how could I make you feel bad about the way you play. I have stated that all playing styles are okay with me, no matter what you spam and that I consider any move to be fair play, no matter how dirty. It is others that make me feel bad for the way I play. I am playing the same game that everone else is play with the same rules. when I join a server I will follow the rules of the server (fortuneatly most don't prohibit backstabbing) just because I prefer one move over another shouldnt matter. I have stated nothing to you about the way you play other then you should quit crying about moves being spammed. if that makes you feel bad, then maybe you shouldnt be playing games.

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Originally posted by leelink

how could I make you feel bad about the way you play. I have stated that all playing styles are okay with me, no matter what you spam and that I consider any move to be fair play, no matter how dirty. It is others that make me feel bad for the way I play. I am playing the same game that everone else is play with the same rules. when I join a server I will follow the rules of the server (fortuneatly most don't prohibit backstabbing) just because I prefer one move over another shouldnt matter. I have stated nothing to you about the way you play other then you should quit crying about moves being spammed. if that makes you feel bad, then maybe you shouldnt be playing games.


I think you misunderstand me leelink. I'm not talking about spamming or dirty play or anything like that. I'm just talking about underlying tones that people pick up here in the forums.


Lexx said that you two sounded arrogant, and it is true that sometimes you sound that way. But that is just here on the boards. I have played you leelink and you were very very nice and complimentary.



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