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games i play with my freind we keep our sabers off until were ready to fight, turning your saber off in the middle of the battle is fine... to maybe type something but not to run off and heal, but if hes already swung at you and about to slice you in half.. **** happens eh?

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Originally posted by Elegy

Don't get me wrong, if I join a server that doesn't say to follow the sabers down rule, then I expect no quarter to be given. It's always been my philosophy that you follow the server's rules. There's a server out there for every kind of game. People connect to each unique server to play the kind of game they want to. This makes things more enjoyable for everybody. If the server doesn't specify sabers down, then cauterize and anally rape every single player out there to your heart's content regardless of their saber status. But if the server says sabers down, you better damned well follow it.


Good point - server rules should certainly take precedence.


I always have my saber down unless in use as well. Quieter, stealthier and heck, it just looks cool to ignite it. :D

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"You are unwise to lower your defenses"


That is what I say to anyone who calls me on killing them after they put their saber down. It even says in my name Darth, indicating that I am a Sith. Would a Sith Lord sit back when somebody lowers their saber? Look what happened to Obi Wan!


When somebody bows and I am close enough I will take a swipe at them if I think it will be to my advantage. If you lower your saber I'm gonna kill you, I don't care if you're talking. For all I know you just pressed enter to so you would appear to be talking while your mana charges up.


I don't whine about it when it happens to me either, don't whine about anything you wouldnt do yourself. I fully expect people to kill me when I'm vulnerable, especially if they are dark side users.


If somebody bows out of feasable range I will usually respond with a taunt (I use the darth vader model so his taunt). When asked why I don't bow I usually reply with "Sith don't bow"


And also I play by my rules. If I join a server and they tell me not to do the above I'm going to do it until I am kicked. But I won't lie to server admin, I'd tell him straight up "You're gonna have to kick me cause this is how I play"

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Saber down for me either = stealth (it's hard to hide in those dark corners when you're holding an oversized rave stick), or - thanks to 1.03 - when combined with chat that I'm "away"


Hitting "1" then "Y" or "T" is pretty quick to do.


Then again, I rarely play online. 56k modem.


XERXES' signature

Fear is the mindkiller


Heh heh heh. Dune. Billa Kaifa.


:gben:Let go, Luke.

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but what about when they try to kill you when you wanna initiate a duel?

it's like going to a guy...pressing K....he looks at u...u look at him...u switch off ur saber (ok maybe it's wiser to keep it on), and u enter console to message him with something like "duel?" and he grips you and throws u down. U quickly press enter and send a message like "due" and try to use a counter and bye bye...


well, that's life i guess

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If you want peace play another game. SABER OFF = EASY TARGET!!! There is a certian amount of discretion involved here. But to call someone "lamer" "n00b" "*******" and all the other wonderful names called because you were to stupid to see it comming is just "lame". Quit your freakin whining and play already.

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And also I play by my rules. If I join a server and they tell me not to do the above I'm going to do it until I am kicked. But I won't lie to server admin, I'd tell him straight up "You're gonna have to kick me cause this is how I play"


I dont think you quite understand. Playing on any of these servers is not a right, it's a privilege. Sure, they're public, but that only extends so far. The owners of these servers have plunked down their hard earned cash to build and host (or rent, in some cases) these servers, and in return, they may or may not expect certain rules to be observed. Perhaps they created the server for the very purpose of playing by those rules? (KnightHawks, for one...)


Saying "Well this is how I play" is just fine. But you can play elsewhere without being kicked, there's no need to stay and piss everyone off. They came into those servers to avoid people who dont play a certain way, and although you may not agree with that, you dont need to barge in and disrupt things.


I dont think Sith Warriors idea of being evil and power hungry was to break video game server rules. They seemed above that sort of thing.



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Originally posted by *Darth Vega*

And in FFA why should you care if you die anyways? Not like it counts against you.


It's the fact that I'm probably trying to duel someone. It get annoying when you run up to a guy, hit K, and just as he's preparing to accept your challenge some other dickwad comes running behind you and takes you down. By the time you respawn and go back to the guy, another pair of *******s have already initiated a duel of their own. I think it's more fun to duel in FFAs rather than the duel servers, though I frequent both about just the same. With the FFA duels you usually get a small crowd gathered around and it just seems more underground and fight clubbish.


I completely agree with some of the reasoning you anti-sabers down people have. A person shouldn't expect to be spared in the middle of a fight by shutting their saber off to run and health up. If anyone runs from me in a fight like that I chase their ass down. Doesn't matter what my HP is at, I finish a damn fight. If you can roll towards a powerup and health up in time then great. But once you initiate battle expect to be hunted down mercilessly. Sabers down isn't there for you to avoid getting killed at all costs. It was established so that you could duel unhindered in the damn FFAs. I wish someone would release something that allows more than one duel to be iniated at a time.

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Getting killed while waiting for a duel would be pretty $hitful, but perhaps it would be worthwhile taking a quick look at where the other duel is so you can initiate the duel as soon as they're done.


I'd keep your sabers up, so if some 14M3® tries to fight you, then you and your would-be duel opponent can double-team kick their st00pid @$$. That should stop them from attacking peeps "in line" for duels again.


:gben: The Force will be with you, always.

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I play as a sith also,but i will defenitly respect the server rules,..to a point.If the server says saber off=peace,ill follow it to the letter,as for duals,if someone bows to me,saber down or not,i WILL strike them down,vader said it best,you are unwise to lure your defenses.And i will also grip/push anyone off a ledge any chance i get on a ffa server,if their too stupid to use absorb,then they deserve it...

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I say saber off = peace is really common sense...


Why else would you want to kill an unarmed player except to get 1 extra cheap kill?


Think about it...why is the player's saber off? Maybe typing? Maybe he's afk for a bit? Maybe he just want to watch the duel?


Why kill innocent man! (even if you are a Sith...I don't see Darth Maul go to Tattoine in Episode I and kill off random people)

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"Always look eye, Daniel San."


If you have you're saber off in FFA you're pretty much asking for a saber up the butt, but I'll agree there are exceptions. Any duelers with ½ a brain would team up on any attackers while waiting for a duel.


I'd suggest (on 1.03) that you open the chat window so you've got the little keyboard thing showing, and typing "back" in or something, then as soon as you're back you can press enter, fire up your saber, and away you go.


SaberPro has a point, though. Who'd want a cheap kill? "Wow! See the fight that guy put up? I own0rz3d him!" Must be some form of over-compensation or something...


:gben:The Force will be with you, always.

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