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Break your fall!


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I found a way to break your fall without using the glide!When you are about an inch far from the ground while you are falling, just roll as soon you touch it!But it isn't as good as glide.There's about a 50/50 chance you'll get it succesfully without getting hurt!

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this is true, but if its too high you will still take some small damage. you can also just do one lunge before you hit so you dont take fall damage without gliding. You may also be able to jump on another player and not take damage, I am not sure about that one though.

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Ah the "glide" :)


It's a really silly bug... e.g. go on Nar Shaddaa, climb to the top floor, and jump or drop off... then do the light stance lunge (jus hold down Crouch+Forward+Attack) and hold while you're in mid air, and you'll glide... You can still steer yourself using the mouse... And it sounds & looks really funny too :)

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