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Jedi Under Fire---Interactive RPG


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"Ohh, they think they can leave the party, tut tut thats rude. Cover me!!" Nar yells as he gets out a missle launcher from the pack next to him.

"Bada bing" Nar says as he locks on to the shuttle that the sith are boarding.

"Bada BoOm" Nar says as he fires the missel and it hits the shuttle causing it to explode.

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"God damn!" Arca yells. "It's been awhile since I saved so many woosies!"

"Hi watch your hole!" Nar is pissed off.


Everyone ignore nar's last post, it's kinda.. umm... NOT GOOD! yeah! shame on you!


for your question, Arca, NPCs are work like this: I plan 'em to do something, like those servants (they were servants, not real siths), they were ment to hold you back until the siths plan is executed, and they did well. Anyway, the NPCs are characters that I play, and they (most of the time) will help you, because you (the players) got my sympathy.


back to the plot.


"WTF?" Arca is taking a sit on a rock.

Too too too!!! incoming message.



"You think you're...never..rule again...stop us!...valley...construction...army...HAHAHAHAHA!!!


"Knew it!" Tyrion said.

"Knew what?"

"It's happenning. Nothing can stop them".

"stop who?"


"Stop what."




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oh oh!! small problem! something is wrong with your ship...

and it's the transmissions (ok, it is, but not only). Don't ask me whats wrong! you got your technision! figure it out. just kidding! it's the operating system. You gotta find a place to find new parts.

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