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modeling forum: Get rid of WIP


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I think the modeling forum sux cus most of my questions are bumped to the bottom unanswered because of all the repeating WIP threads. Most WIP threads turn out to be little children crying out load for a release date. :bdroid1: Also Kinja made a new yoda thread (dam, thats just annoying). So why dont the moderators make a WIP forum at the jediknightii.net forums hosted at lucasforums.com?

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yea i agree , i woudl like to see the atleast the modeling forum (possiby the other editing forums) broken down into smaller threads , like a pimp and preview section, and a help/question forum.


what adds to the frustration is that the search feature is disabled making it so when you have a prolem and looking to see if it has already been answered you have to scower through pages of threads hoping that by the subject name alone some of them will answer your question.



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The Questions can get answered if we get rid of the SPAM such as request's or the I have an Ideas Threads.


This isn't a How To modeling forum. It's a JK2 modeling forum. So.......


What do want from it. We've all asked to get this forum in order in one way or another.

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I agree with Cheshire, it's the ideas and requests threads that really clog up the group. A "pimping" forum like the one Polycount has might be a good idea.


Actually, I have a good idea. I'm going to go compile a list of useful Modeling links and Tutorials (there are hundreds of great 3D sites on the net) and ask an admin to make it sticky, hopefully that will cut down on the basic modeling questions.


CT :lightning

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I dont agree with this. If people keep on showing of their work as it is now, most of the people visiting the modeling forum wont be modelers, but just some dudes that want to check out the models, giving them modelers useless bumps and comments like "RELEASE IT NOW!!!!!!!", which will eventually lead to never having questions answered. Therefore, we should have a showcase forum like massassi or polycount. The modeling forum should be kept to modelers with questions.


The :evil2: FallenAngel_NYC :evil2:

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on the contrary

how many WIPs are there

only about 5 that are big projects


ppl who ask questions are usually ignorant

true, there are questions needed to be answered

but when ppl ask gay, really gay questions

it clogs the forum

very few times are good questions asked


to the gay, really gay ppl - tutorials are there, use them, dont clog the forum

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Please dont post such a BS.

5 major WIP's? No, there're 13 in the first page. Of course not all of them look good and are worth the download but should all the small projects be trashed so the big modelers can have all the space. Should the beginners stay noobs their whole life because of that and never advance? Please edit your post. I repuest a showcase forum so beginners and advanced modelers can get constructive comments in order to improve, while the modeling forum is kept for general issues.

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Originally posted by DarthFallen_NYC

I dont agree with this. If people keep on showing of their work as it is now, most of the people visiting the modeling forum wont be modelers, but just some dudes that want to check out the models, giving them modelers useless bumps and comments like "RELEASE IT NOW!!!!!!!", which will eventually lead to never having questions answered. Therefore, we should have a showcase forum like massassi or polycount. The modeling forum should be kept to modelers with questions.


The :evil2: FallenAngel_NYC :evil2:


This is very true, but there should be a General Editing Questions forum and this forum should stay for specific modeling threads. I think that if the WIP threads get bumped up, just bump yours again. Even though it is a pain in the ass, its better than having to create a whole new forum.

- Wolf :jawa

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Originally posted by Sniper Wolf


This is very true, but there should be a General Editing Questions forum and this forum should stay for specific modeling threads. I think that if the WIP threads get bumped up, just bump yours again. Even though it is a pain in the ass, its better than having to create a whole new forum.

- Wolf :jawa


I take it you don't realize that it literally takes under three minutes to create showcase forums? It's extremely easy to do so. An admin goes into his control panel, goes under forums, adds the forums, gives them a description, and it's done.



The modeling forum should be for discussing modeling, getting help, answering questions. It doesn't matter if they are stupid questions, because newbies won't know the answer unless someone tells them. And most of the time a sticky thread WON'T solve the problem. These threads will never go away.


You should have one Showcase Forum, one for EVERYTHING. Includes models, sounds, skins, levels, image editing in Photoshop, whatever. If tons and tons of threads appear, you could easily segment it into smaller forums for each category.

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Getting your Questions Answered.........................


Well, about getting your questions answered, I personally try to answer all that I can when I stop by here, but I'm a working man and a parent, so it's not always possible. Im sure other modelers feel the same way, but there's just not enough time.


Anyone who can answer questions should do what they can, but everyone has a life outside of here.


Either way hopefully we can all get to where we want to be one day.

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I started this site ( http://www.jk2models.cjb.net ) because of this problems, I personally was sick of sifting through 14 pages for the thread I was looking for, I think ppl bump just so there favourite pages are at the top.


If this site can get more coverage it will eliminate a lot of spamming, but it still won't solve the problem of


"hey that model looks great send it here when it's finished nOOB@SPAM.com" etc.


But contains many tutorial links already and a WIP section.

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Al Beasties site is a good alternative. but the WIPs arent posted here so people can go OOOOO look how cool his model looks. lets bask in his glory. WIPs are posted so other modelers can see what people are doing, and offer advice or constructive criticism to better the models as they are in progress. thats why they are works in PROGRESS and not Finished works im showing off. Personally, i think even less questions would be anwsered if a new forum section was created.


When i'm searching through the WIPs to find updates i care about, every once in a while i'll see a question thread i can answer and do so. but if i were to have to go to a WIP section, I might not even bother going to the modelling section, and many others wouldnt either. This way, its spreads it all out. I say leave it the way it is, but people need to stop all the Givemethemodelfirst@causeimspecial.com . They can download it like everyone else. Now the random, "your model is great" isn't that bad, sometimes its good to hear praise. but the people who just want to have the modeler email them before release need to stop -- thats whats so annoying. A WIP should only be bumped by comments about the WIP, not requests for it. And REALLY stupid questions need to stop being asked(i.e. i'm new here, what do i do?) and random stupid polls like: which tyrion or absaths do you like best? - no offense(just an example), but whats the point, why was that in the modelling and not in the general discussion section?- people need to think


a new forum would just make browsing even more of a hastle - if they would re-implement the search function it would be fine. I guess people need to think before they make useless posts.

thats just my 2 cents.

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Klorel is on the ball guys,


He's a modeller and is the most in benifit of having WIP section. My site should prevent ppl from asking when the model is released coz if it's been released it will be on my site. But it's not going to help with actual modellers problems, I only have the links to tutorials that are for us novices


Anyone taking the time to make a model needs encouragement from the community they're making it for. And they need there questions answered a lot of ppl post " sorry I can't help you"

what's the point of that?


perhaps a sticky that has some guidelines for posting on this site, or at least a FAQ like most sites have. This being the official Lucasforums I am quite surprised that it's so mismanaged.

try Jedi-Outcast.com, it's moderators are very good but they have put themselves under a lot of stress just to get the forum as neat as possible.



Klorel if you and others wish I can host some 1 page decriptions on your WIP on my page, just include the current progress and any problems you may be having so anyone who can help you can email you or post some help (or something), becasue only a few ppl get to see your questions before there's to many general comments move the page over and you're left unanswered, I can't make models but I've helped ppl with problems with 3DSmax etc. so you never know who might be reading.


Also we probably should petition to get the search function enabled, it is rather painfull looking through this forum for answers, most of the time when questions are answered they just point to another thread. And it's not just the so-called nOOB's repeating themselves, I've seen some obvious no-noobs ask questions that they knew the answer was in the forum somewhere but son't hhave 3hrs free to wander te forum aimlessly. Jedi-Outcast.com has a search function, and because they're modelling forum is packed with threads you cna always find what you're looking for.


and remember constructive criticism it good.

telling someone they're model sucks is completely un called for.

if someone can get a frickin' sphere into JO working in game.

then you should praise them. I couldn't beleive the flack that Kinja and sithlord-ii have been getting lateley, WTF is that!

these guys are making models for ppl who obviously have no understanding of how hard it is to make a model and of course how much of their time is used up to make them, just for some ******* to say "Your model is **** because Yoda is big" - I repeat WTF is that ****.



sorry this is a long post but guys like Klorel need support and understanding or you won't get any more models.

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Guest Jolts

If you want to see an example of a good cg forum go the forums on cgtalk.com hosted by cgchannel.com or insidecg.com They have a good structure, and very few morons.

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