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Proposed fix for 'special attack' spam.


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I recently began playing JKO multiplayer and have noticed the overuse of special attacks; it's quite sad actually. In v1.02 it was DFA that was being spammed, and in v1.03 it is backstab/backsweep, and before that I don't know. People have suggested reducing the damage of these attacks, or removing them all together. I disagree.


Special attacks such as backstab/backsweep, DFA, and lunge should deal devastating damage. However, the problem isn't the damage, but the ability to execute these attacks continuously. A timer OR 'damage bar' should be implimented.



If you could only backstab/backsweep, DFA, or lunge once every 10 seconds, this would eliminate the ability to spam these moves all together. More skill would be needed, than is currently required, to execute these moves at the best time.


Damage Bar <force bar ripoff>:

When the damage bar is full backstab/backsweep, DFA, or lunge will hit for full power when performed, and the damage bar will be completely drained. It will then begin to regenerate at a reasonable rate. Special attacks can be executed at any time for a damage directly porportional to how much the damage bar has regenerated; each special attack will completely drain the damage bar. This will make mindless spamming of these attacks harmless after the first time.


Backstab/backsweep, DFA, and lunge should keep the ability to one-hit kill, severely harm, finish off an opponent, and look really cool when performed. The ability to spam these moves, or spam them for full damage, all the time, needs to be removed.


Although, I can imagine people doing a special attack and running away until they could do it again... that would be hilarious.


This idea may be a little ambitious, but there's always hope. Thanks for reading.

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I like those ideas, quite neat. However, they are very involved and doubt they could ever be implemented. I'd just be happy if there was one attack that could counter a backsweep. If lunge went through a backsweep (knocks his saber out of the way), that would be great. Or maybe make a saber throw 2-3x as powerful when it hits someone who is doing a backsweep at the time. Something to make the act of executing a backsweep somewhat risky.

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Backsweeps aren't horribly hard to dodge. Roll/Jump out of the way and then kick/saber throw them or just do a Medium Finisher/DFA.


Your proposed ideas do sound good though. Implementing something like that would be nice :)


EDIT: Typo

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Originally posted by Glimmer

Backsweeps aren't horribly hard to dodge. Roll/Jump out of the way and then kick/saber throw them or just do a Medium Finisher/DFA.


Your proposed ideas do sound good though. Implementing something like that would be nice :)


EDIT: Typo


Eh??? backsweeps are damn nearly impossible to dodge if they're executed correctly... (get taken out by the backswing, yes i know i can probably crouch to avoid that part, but when ppl do it so quickly and you have no warning, it's close to impossible) this is the reason i don't have a problem with ppl running around backwards... it's those who can turn and backsweep faster than you can blink (and it's not a script i know that for a fact!!! cos i have done this b4, it's not hard with a good mouse, just annoying for the person on the receiving end...)


I like the proposed ideas, but i think that more should be done... like making them really much harder to pull off than they are currently... or perhaps backsweep should do horrendous damage ONLY on the sweep part, NOT the backswing or the follow-through... the other special moves i don't have a problem with though, but it seems that spamming is rife and it would be a neat deterrent for assfighters and the like :)

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Either/or, you'd have people who just avoided you until they can pull of the move again. I've seen it against me, when I counter with absorb, or I just avoid them, some people make no attempt to fight until absorb wears off, or you walk right back into they're range. For some, it is not about the quick kill it's about the unblockable kill. They will just wait until the opportunity presents itself again.

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I think that would be a great idea. By limiting how you many times you can execute a special move, you have to time your move more carefully, or you may not get another chance.


I think it would be great to simply have the special moves take away force power, just like jumping takes force power. the stronger the move, the more force it takes. For instance, some of the strong stance special moves should take away all or at least 75% of your force power.


I doubt we'll ever see it implimented in the game, and that's really the sad thing. Playing online is not that much fun when you have one guy who can time one strong stance move and in one shot the fight is over 2 seconds after it starts.

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one hit kill moves should be executable under any conditions, this would encourage spam normally, however they should be fairly quick to execute, making them viable as a responsive tactic to an opening presented in an opponent's defenses, although the recovery time should be 4-5 seconds. this means that if you don't get the kill, you're a sitting duck for a counterattack. they have to be 100% blockable in any stance, unless you leave yourself open by attacking or using a forcepower. this would mean that they had to be used with discretion, and that screwing them up could mean you cop the same thing you just tried to dish out.

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The 1-hit moves really arent that difficult to combat. Yes, theyre a pain in the ass. Yes, scripters are lame. Im not disagreeing with any of this, however all the 1-hits have to be extremely close to be effective. The key to beating a scripter/spammer is just staying out of their reach until they make a mistake and miss their end all move (which really does happen often). Assfighting is even easier, just kick them to death. Theyre running around backwards and cant see anything while they attack blindly, just run up and kick them til they either fall or they die. If they want to b1tch it and spam 1-hit-kill moves, spam them back with kick.

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My proposed fix for attack spammers is planting my boot in their ass.


I generally keep tabs on which people on a server spam special attacks the most often (sadly, it's usually the people with the largest frag counts) and reserve for them the boot spam.


Wait until they attempt their special, run up to them, and start pounding them with kicks. Do it well enough and you can push em into a corner and repeat until they die.


This really REALLY, and I mean REALLY pisses them off. Sometimes they won't bitch, but instead try to return the favor by kick spamming you next time. Which is fine by me, kicks are easier to counter and they are no longer spamming special attacks.


Last night there was a lightning spammer that was irritating me, and I managed to kill him with nothing but kicks. About ten seconds later he disconnected from the server. ;)

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