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Good double bladed idea for raven


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maybe raven should code it to where pressing 1 would open the 1st blade and pressing 1 again would make the 2nd blade come out and pressing it a 3rd time would close them both? that would be cool and then everyone could use whatever they wanted but im sure most people would use the double blade cuz of its better chance to hit..hmmm any ideas on this?

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yeah but the fanmod nerfs backstab and probally sweep hardcore

i couldnt even kill bots with backstab and i was sure i hit them

thats lame,



i think maybe they could put the code for my idea into the next patch i know they wont see this idea or anything but what do you guys think? a good idea or no?

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yes but it'd be so much better if you didn't have to be on a non-pure server to have a dual blade saber, and i think that duels would be a lot better, plus they could add new moves, which they really need so that not every move is backstab

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If double-bladed sabers became a normal thing, then people would invariably choose them over single-bladed for obvious reasons...


However, if you allowed singles to, say, backstab, but not doubles (or any other cool attack, but one that is devestating), then you'd have more of a choice.

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thats a good idea but the blocking is also increased with double bladed cuz i tried to fight my friend single vs his double and he owned me by just a few slashes, i had 100/100 and were on the same skill level. so double bladed is too strong i guess 2 blades should be weaker damage and no specials. that way they could make it so pressing 1=single, pressing 1 again = double, pressing 1 = holster it

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I like your idea.


Duel saber should be a player config (from the menu). An easy switch :dsaber:


The duel saber hit should count as one hit on each swing. Like if somebody backswings, it counts as an entire motion and not as two blades.


The blocking should be tweaked to equal out a regular saber and it should have a different stance like MAUL's single hand slashes.

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ok mod makers, if you reading, this is what double saber users are wanting:


-new animations so that you dont just stab yourself repeatedly and if possible make the swings differentent. (ala Darth maul using alot of spins to utilize both ends of his saber.)


-weakened power, make each side half of what a single blade is. this would make the two hits of a single double saber swing do the same amount of damage.


-a double saber stance


-togglable (single blade/double blade/off). It would be crazy but i guess you might could make it where only the bottom half is on to make it like a long dagger type weap.


ok the ppl have spoken.......thx for reading

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Balancing would be a huge issue, I suspect...


We'd have to make there be advantages and disadvantages to both....


I like the way the double-blade deflects and attacks with both sides, taking that away would be kinda pointless, because what's the fun of having a double-bladed saber if both of them aren't completely effective the entire time their out?


My suggestion: Tweak damage down to 3/4 of the current damage (don't want wussy sabers, now do we?), make it so their a style slower (Blue style would be like regular yellow, yellow like red, red even slower), and remove the ability to do Backsweeps (not the backstab, mind you, I was playing with the Darth Maul skin with a double and did a backstab, it was straight-outta-the-movies cool! Ironically, some dude with a green saber came along [a bot], and cut me in half at the waist...go figure), and maybe remove DFA (I don't use DFA at all unless it just happens because Im whacking buttons, I know that it's an insta-kill move [i think :)], but it's slow...so might be keepable)...


Just my suggestions...nobody has to like them :)

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My $00.02,


Double-bladed weaponry is too strong defensively, especially on (the growing in popularity) ghoul2/sabertrace enabled servers. I was playing in an FFA saber only (force enabled) room, and there were two players with dual blades enabled (using a mod? not sure). In any case I couldn't penetrate their defenses for the life of me (I tried attack tactics with all three stances), and all they used for attacks was the Blue stance lunge, which is basically a double dose of nearly-1-hit-kill. I had to resort to Lightning/Grip/saber throw tactics in order to score kills against these players.


If a mod were to be made, I'm not sure how this could be adressed in a fair fashion, since two blades are supposed to = twice the offensive/defensive capability. Maybe if there were a way to adjust ghoul2 collision so it was a high percentage (70%) chance of blocking rather than all-or-none (as it seems to be right now), then a dual blade would be more fair to us single-bladers.


:atat: :atat: :atat: :atat: :atat: :atat: :atat: :atat: :atat:

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If there is a double-bladed saber in the next patch...


first the server would choose if it is allowed to be used in the game...


Then we are going to need new animations for the double-bladed saber...or else it'd be too strong...probably a new set of double-bladed saber stances (much like Darth Maul; new attacks, new defenses, new weaknesses so the game could be balanced) Another good feature would be to cut thru the double saber and make it single bladed :)


And probably more hehe and THAT is nice

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Originally posted by mythren

Of course, being the kinda person I am, if I had the actual choice, I'd want to dual-wield sabers. That's not a double bladed one, mind you, that's a single-bladed one in each hand.


I prefer a single blade. It's the traditional, ancient style that all other forms of sword-play spawned from. Bojutsu, though, would be more like a double bladed sabre. Neither one has an advantage in real life, but in the game they should be set up evenly :cool:

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id say they should make the option of having either a single blade or a double blade lightsabers in the(if they make)1.04 patch. it should be right when you just get on a server, in the blue screen where you have to pic your character model and saber color, insted of the saber color you should first have to pic between single or double. and there should be different stances for double, as well as new ones for single. there should be like 4 for each Fast Classic Stronge Acrobatic and the ability to be able to combine 2 of them. what a great idea huh? someone should email this idea to raven

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i dont think it should be like that at all, i think it would be a force skill, and speaking of the force powers i think it would be better to pic between light dark and inbetween, you could pic 3 fav force powers or pic light or dark. anyway back to the 2x blade lightsabers. i think it should be like a force power you have to put points to it to make your skill with it alot more. kinda like how the lightsaber thing is already

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