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Do ghosts exist?

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I believe that Angels and Demons exist, but ghosts do not.



I believe that when people die their "spirit" or soul goes either to Heaven or Hell. Nothing you can do can keep you from that fate, and enable you to stay on the earth in any form, so the ghosts we think of can't exist.

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I believe that a ghost is nothing more than a wandering spirit of a deceased person who doesn't know that they are dead. So I don't think of ghosts as things out to scare you.



Oh btw, Tie guy, we were just having a discussion about the "1000 posts in a week" issue at RSN!:D :D I forget which thread though...

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Well how do we know who/what is a ghost...ever walk down a street and nod to a guy walking to opposite direction and turn around a few more feet to look back at him and he isn't there? Well I'm not sure, if I beleive in ghost but I know of some things that are unexplainable that have happened to me, family, and friends.

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I do believe in ghosts. I have had an experience with one. About a week after my Uncle was hit by a car and died, I had a dream about him. I woke up and could feel him in the room with me. Call it what you want; a strong emotional response, pyshcological manifestation blahblahblah, a ghost or spirit, whatever....I know he was there.


I know I'm usually a little sarcastic and weird on these forums, but I'm being compltely serious about this, so please don't make any jokes. Thanks.

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Originally posted by WolfmanNCSU



gee, how thoughtful...I can see that some people haven't been taught basic courtesy. Your comment may have not been pointed at me, but when it's put right under mine, it sure does appear that way. Be careful what you post in the future and think of someone other than yourself.


This is all I'm going to say on this matter.

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