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It's true, it's official, you will need SKILL to join this server!


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Well, it's good to know that someone has been listening to the battlecry of the 1.03 whiner. :D After dispatching 3 backstabbers in a row on my favorite Base 1.03, Full Force, Gun server (ok, so I'm a gunwhore in general. :cool: ), I'm about ready for a change, so I'll give your server a spin. Just one problem I can see from here:


While ffaepisode 1 is an excellent map, it's also a bit large for 12 ppl and lags like hell in the large platform room, even on my 1.7ghz machine with a Radeon DDR 32mb video card (don't get me started on this; I loathe the card, but it works with most FPS games).


Also, will you be adding the Wired Lamp Studios mappack when it's released? (that is, if it supports FFA)


That's about it for now. Merc out. :fett:

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Not a problem there...


I'll check out their mappack.


If you PM me with your e-mail I'll put you on a server update/suggestion list and I can start a listbot e-mail for the server.


That way I can take complaints, suggestions, and people can share betters to have the server run. :)


If it's on FFA Episode 1 go ahead and vote for carbonfreeze - just mention people will get better FPS.


As I'm writing this it's on carbonfreeze right now and it's much smaller and faster.

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I rather enjoy his server. I was there from a few hours after he set it up to help him fine tune it some more. I think it's really nice. It truly takes more skill to score a hit. I disagree about it being luck with the blocking. You have to know what stance your fighting in very very well. That way whenever you see the slightest opening for an attack, you do so, right on the spot, and I guarantee that you'll score a hit. It was harder for me. I won't deny that. But I think it's more fun that way. It feels a lot more cinematic, the way I think it should be. It shouldn't take too long to duel, that will only happen if you're just taking random swings at each other. Now that is the part that takes luck.

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I just got back from playing on this server, and it rocks. The people are friendly, and the ghoul2 and sabertrace provide for really fun saber battles. I am by no means a "l33t" player, but I play the game for enjoyment, and have no problem being legitimately worked over by someone in a fair fight. I have also noticed that even in the short time I was playing, that I had to re-think some tactics, and I feel that paying on this server frequently will increase my skill level. I encourage all cool mellow people who desire fun saber battles to check out this server. QuietSith is to be commended.



Noodleboy aka Bender aka "hey Baby"

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All I have to say is: fun. I cannot recall having such a good time on any one server at any one time since 1.02, and that's the way it should be. Sure, it *could* be a special olympics or considered as a mod and brushed aside where skill is concerned by some folks, but it was enjoyable, and that's the entire aim of JK2 and any other video game. Not free kills from spamming a move over and over. Not the pathetic flames over chat as one person gets fed up from said kills. Just plain fun. :D


At this moment, I am adding the server to my favorites list and am about to write a post to a server admin friend to ask him to emulate these settings. If any of you reading this post were / are as tired as I am about the spammers that have been in question for so long, please stop on by - you won't be disappointed. :cool:


Merc out. :fett:

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Yes, I'm very happy to hear people are enjoying the server.


My small clan just attached itself to a very large clan (we are now their Jedi Division) which will include forums, chats, etc.


Since the clan is so big, and members can donate a small fee, this server is pretty much here to stay and may grow in size.


Let me know if anyone is interested in the clan.


You have to be willing to have fun yet be a bit competitive when necessary (for matches - but that's still for fun) and not be into cheating or exploits, etc.


Aside from that plug ...


The server will always publc, so feel free to PM me or reply here if you have any complaints, suggestions, or want to discuss what's going on with the server, etc.


I'm also planning on subscribing to a listbot email thing that's for the server, so we can have a discussion thread there - and hopefully include other servers that want to use these settings.


If you are interested in being a part of that mailing list or the clan - please PM and I'll put your name on the list when I get it started.



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Quiet Sith


I was on your sever the other afternoon and at first it had a high ping, but now it seems to be in the mid 50s for me. Very nice.


Would you consider limiting force powers to only push, pull, jump, saber attack and defense?


I know it sounds limiting, but:


A) This would keep lightning spammers and hopefully, script-kiddie BSers away (at least for a while).




B) These are the only really powers they use in the movies.


Now of course, for competitive play and practice it is good to use everything in your arsenal and I could live with all force enabled as well. Just a thought.


Also, is there a way to enable Dessann's and Tavion's swings on the server WITHOUT using the Fan's Mod (which also gives Double Bladed lightsaber which I don't find all that appealing or useful)?


I just ask because I think the way the stances (yellow and blue) are currently nerfed, these additional two almost make up for it in that Tavion's is a slightly faster and stronger yellow and Dessan's a one-handed Red that still takes skill to use (I use these stances in SP training against NPCs in the ladder and you still need to switch and know what you're doing to make at least as far as Tavion).


Anyway, nice server.


It's one my favorites list in ASE :)




Timelimit - 30 (that's a fair amount of time especially for a large group FFA or Team FFA)


Fraglimit - 30 (same rationale; gives newbies a chance to get in a few kills before the map changes)

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Originally posted by Nobodi Kenobi

Quiet Sith


A) This would keep lightning spammers and hopefully, script-kiddie BSers away (at least for a while).




B) These are the only really powers they use in the movies.




Lightning now has a balance: absorb and drain. In JK2++, drain has been unnerfed (albeit, JK2++ beta 2 has a slightly weak drain, but that will be fixed in beta 3).

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Originally posted by Nobodi Kenobi

Quiet Sith


I was on your sever the other afternoon and at first it had a high ping, but now it seems to be in the mid 50s for me. Very nice.


Would you consider limiting force powers to only push, pull, jump, saber attack and defense?


I know it sounds limiting, but:


A) This would keep lightning spammers and hopefully, script-kiddie BSers away (at least for a while).




B) These are the only really powers they use in the movies.


Now of course, for competitive play and practice it is good to use everything in your arsenal and I could live with all force enabled as well. Just a thought.


Also, is there a way to enable Dessann's and Tavion's swings on the server WITHOUT using the Fan's Mod (which also gives Double Bladed lightsaber which I don't find all that appealing or useful)?


I just ask because I think the way the stances (yellow and blue) are currently nerfed, these additional two almost make up for it in that Tavion's is a slightly faster and stronger yellow and Dessan's a one-handed Red that still takes skill to use (I use these stances in SP training against NPCs in the ladder and you still need to switch and know what you're doing to make at least as far as Tavion).


Anyway, nice server.


It's one my favorites list in ASE :)




Timelimit - 30 (that's a fair amount of time especially for a large group FFA or Team FFA)


Fraglimit - 30 (same rationale; gives newbies a chance to get in a few kills before the map changes)


I'd rather not limit any force powers - people can counter each one using JK 2 ++ - light absorb/heal, and dark has drain to stop the lightening guys.


Looks like the next release will have better drain - this has a tendency to affect all the lightening spammers like it did in 1.02.


I'll check into the server frag/timelimits and reach a happy medium.


I hope you continue to come back! :)

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