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Naming of characters


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I was watching extended play last night and they said there would be a block on creating names to prevent names like jedi dewd 123... does anybody know how this will work... (this is also here to confort some of the people that were worried about this

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I read somewhere that for most races you can have a first and a last name. For the others im pretty sure its just one name (ex. Wookie- Chewbacca, Lowbacca). It said you can have one hypen or apostraphe. I think it said that you wouldn't be able to use any numbers either. Im sure they'll have blocks on some words like jedi, sith, master, and things like that though.

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They'll block most names from the movies and EU (Fett, Vader, Lando etc). Also, they'll won't allow numbers (because it looks really ugly and out of character when you play). There'll be a profanity filter (remember, this is a "teen" rated game, not "mature", and there's a crapload of people who are more offended by bad language than guns, which is, to quote one of my favourite books, "sick in the head"). What else? Well, they'll try to avoid purely stupid or obviously non-star wars names, like "Captin' Ahab", "George Bush" or "Wooden Chair". These are impossible to filter, though, so most likely there'll be a petition thing for it.


Petitions works like this: if a player sees a player doing things that are 'not right', they'll send a message, ingame, to a Game Master. They'll judge the petition according to the Rules of Conduct that all MMORPGs have, and if it is a violation, they'll ask you to change your name/stop doing that 'wrong' thing. If it is a graver violation, they can ban you for a specific time (a day, a week, a month...), or simply erase your account.


Pure RPG servers tends to be much harder on the names. On regular servers, you'll have to come up with something really stupid to receive a lasting punishment.


Like setsuko.

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Me? Done anything? Nooo, I haven't done anything. Surely. Never. Can't imagine the thought. No siree.


Please, jurymembers, add to the record that I was absolutely innocent during the huge flame-war that ended the golden era of the AOlore forums! You can't prove anything! :D


But that remark was not about me getting banned, it was a joke about the name policy. Well, the bad thing about Verant having quite a lot of fingers in SWG is that they have a ... shoddy reputation in the customer relations area. People, even whole guilds, have been banned from EQ without a proper reason or explaination. I just hope that they will either cultivate a sense of reason pretty damn fast, or use a completely new customer relations crew.


EDIT: Ph33r the sc4nd1/\/avian Gungans!

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I say, put up a court.


Let the prosecution (Dev/Game Team) present their case against the person or even the whole clan, and then let the defense try to dispute it. :D lol This way, both sides will be heard, and judgment can be made. :) Not just banning without giving reason or any proof whatsoever.


Pluss, it would add o the game if there was a lawyer or somthing profession.



hehe, just ranting alittle. ;):p

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