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Force grab FUN!


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You tried standing on a tight bridge with level 3 force grip? Wait till enemy stands on bridge, grab him and throw him over the edge.


Sure you have. Its a whole lot of fun...

"Get out of my way!" *grabs enemy jedi*



I like doing it. Me love jedi knight 2 me will play until Warcraft III is released.

Me Retarded :)

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I just found a new trick...

Grab dude...

Wait till he grabs his throught(bad spelling?)

Dark Rage... And beat him up before he can use the weapon again.


And on capture the flag... Run to the enemy flag, wait just some meters from it, make sure you have full force, then both use dark rage and speed. MAN HOW YOU FLY! You run more than twise as fast as everyone else... grab the flag whilst invurnerable (the guards will be useless) and run valiantly home. When suffering the hangover from dark rage just use you bacta canister to freshen up a bit.


Works against bots don't know against human opponents.

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Originally posted by -=Chi3f=-

I love grip...


The Dark Side, and Grip in particular seem to be a little weak and not as wickedly fun as in the initial release.


Since most people played Dark in v1.02, Absorb users were not that common, you just had to watch out for the Force push.


The "Grip & Roll" (and disorient the Hell out of your opponent) was one of the fun things I really miss.

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hehe, one of the things i love about those cheap ass grippers and cliffs is pulling them down with me. once in while i'll wait until i'm over the cliff just for the satisfaction of making them have to die for the kill and it's also embarrasing to get pulled down with your quarry.

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I like Grip...especially when i have them elevated and choking and i throw my saber at their face....but i have to disagree and say the force grip is not that cheap in MP....it can be easily countered by force push or pull.....or if your really looking for a good time...i love when to people are Force Griping each other at the same time....lol

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Guest HertogJan

Hehe, I think it's great to jump over a group of stormies and use lvl 3 pull on them! They fly up towards you and fall down

->death :D


And grip isn't cheap... BTW, if you grip someone and move your mouse in every direction VERY quickly, it's very hard to push them away! :D

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