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Most common mistakes made in Force duels

Homosexual Ewok

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As the title says, this is for Force duels. Due to the different types of game play in FFA, CTF, NF duels, some of this will not be applicable.


Also, this is not a "do this and you will win" guide. I simply want to point out some very common mistakes people make in Force duels in hopes that someone reading this who wishes to improve their game will benefit from it.


1-Don’t swing the saber unless you plan on immediately hitting something. This is the single most common error I see. Players will start swinging their saber from 20 feet away (any stance). Not only do you tell your opponent what you are planning to do, but due to the vulnerability to push/pull while executing an attack animation you leave yourself prime for a knockdown.


2-Don't go into a crouch and wait, in hopes of baiting your opponent to walk close enough for you to execute a blue stance lunge. It is blatantly obvious what you plan to do and you are primed for a swift flip kick from your opponent.


3-Although I love the music too, turn it off. Being able to listen for absorb is essential, not only so you don't waste time and Force power, but knowing when to move in because your opponents power has depleted can make a world of difference.


4-If you are fighting a person relying heavily on kicks, try and keep the fight in an area of the map with "low head room". You would be surprised how easily you can throw off their timing by making them constantly hit their head on a low ledge and end their jumps too quickly.


5-If your opponent is just standing still in one place and will not advance to attack you, whatever you do, turn on absorb before you charge in. This person knows that he (by not moving) will be protected from a pull and is simply waiting for you to come in and begin an attack animation so he can pull you off your feet. I would suggest a kick, although possible, not many people can "out kick" a charging opponent from a standing still position.


These are just a few pointers for beginners, hope they help.

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Lots of careless duelists also repeat the same thing over and over.


A single backstab can kill in one hit, yes, but by spamming it you set yourself up for a serious ass kicking because you become predictable, which no amount of backstabbing will save you from. Well there's always the chance the opponent messes up and you clip him with backstab but every time you repeat the same thing that becomes less likely to happen.


Lunges, medium finisher, dfa, and all backstabs suffer from this. Most people use the same setup for the attack every time, and even a mediocre duelist will recognize this and exploit it.


Easiest way to win a duel (not the fastest mind you) is to let the opponent fall into a pattern, keep your saber free so you can attack on command, and backstab them when they're stuck in a special move.

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if you opponent uses saber throw its a really bad idea to dfa or use the light finisher.... Im my experience though, those are bad moves to perform with any skilled player. there's too many counter options with little recovery time after performing the move. (although the pull, kick, dfa makes a great combo if you opponent falls down)

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3-Although I love the music too, turn it off. Being able to listen for absorb is essential, not only so you don't waste time and Force power, but knowing when to move in because your opponents power has depleted can make a world of difference.


nah, just put your music at half and blast your effects volume, works wonders;)


common mistakes:

walking into DFA


Walking into a medium finisher


people walk into moves all the time, it's just carelessness, but just watch where ya walk people!



people swing where nobody is near, saber throw will kill them, every time

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Originally posted by malinkie

I can tell Twins likes the music. LOL :)


Yeah, you've just got to be extra careful or you might miss the giveaway sound.




Twins, like the website.


thanks, and actually the sound isn't all that great.....just saying you don't have to have it off...just have your effects cranked

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