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Re: Knowing the stances of your enemy while in-game...


This is only partially true.


Any skilled duelist knows you switch stances while either in mid-swing or other animation so your opponent CAN'T tell what you're about to use, and if you're constantly moving (running) you don't get the blue/yellow/red "reference" stances like you do if you're standing still.

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Originally posted by Nice Saber

because the information you cold give to either duelest could be unfair to the other. Fopr example you disclose information on health, shileds, stance used, etc



thats pretty much it, its just like counter strike, you cant give out where they are or anything about them or else it would be cheating

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/bind "key" messagemode3. highlight the person you want to talk to and hit that key. text appears in purple, only they can see it....errr OOPS, did I just give something away? :eyeraise:


i think its fine how it is. tell me, if you were dueling with someone, would you really like hearing the sound of people chatting over and over and over again? it gets kind of distracting. the only way its not distracting is if someone makes a mod like rocketarena3 for example, that disables that sound. you have to admit it is pretty annoying...

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Yup. Don't want the other players to disclose info on the other guy during the duel. Besides, do you really want the duelists chatting away the duel with the whole entire server of players, or do you want em to shaddup and fight?


EDIT: *looks at post above* Really? I was wondering if you could say something privately to another player or not. So this works in duels with a spectator and a duelist too?

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I know the first post was in reference to a "challenge duel" but here is a funny little thing I saw a guy do on a duel server last night.


The guy would bind \callvote kick <player name here> to a key at the start of the match.


It was a 3/3 win server and if the match was tied at 2/3 they guy would hit that bound key as he went in for an attack.


The thing is, in the duel server, spectators can't vote, so if you want to save yourself from a kick, you have to cast the opposing vote.


Most players would try to quickly get off a no-vote (by entering the Esc menu), but ended up on the bad side of a backstab.


One guy tried to "Rambo" it but couldn't end the match before getting kicked.


If you tried to run away he would pull you back or toss his saber into your backside.


This was lame as Hell, but I had to admit it was pretty funny and quite sneaky.

I told them they could simply bind vote yes/no to a key, but people never listen...

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