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LucasArts releasing New Collection Packs?


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scheduled for 31 december 2002...


Could this be for france only or just leaked out in france only?


Too bad there's not a picture of the box or description of what's inside.. It's expensive though so it will probably have all lucasarts adventures in it.

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I emailed LucasArts a while ago about the 'Ten Adventures' pack released in Germany. The reply will apply here too.

Basically, it is completely up to the company representing LucasArts in whatever country you're in. For example, in the UK its Activision. So, if Activision think that a re-release of any old LucasArts games will make money, they'll do it and we'll get a re-release pack. This is why in the UK there is the Monkey Island Bounty Pack, but in Australia there is the Monkey Island Collectors Pack. Both are more or less the same (the latter has EMI instead of just the first 3.) Obviously the companies representing LucasArts in France and Germany feel these games will still make money. Good luck to 'em.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just figured that in Germany the THQ.de site has changed regarding "10 Adventures". There used to be a page about it and a cover image. This cover changed to "Not Yet" and the info page completely disappeared. Seems like a big change is going on all over the world... Maybe .. just maybe.. Lucasarts finaly manages to bring some good collection packs out. I mean like WITH the grail diary not only in low qual pdf format or with the Maniac Mansion poster or something... but I really doubt it.

Someone should send LA a note that greed is a sin : )

Remember the Monkey 4 box? Just the CD in a juwel case in a big box... god that was a cool way to show the changes between now and then like "Loom audio drama then and a lame CD in a DVD box now" That completely kills all reason for NOT pirating games in huge amounts instead of buying one once in a while, love it, solve it, play it again...

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