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Things I wish were in JKII Outcast.


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A) Duel mode, with appropriate arenas. Thig being different types of places that you could duel with one or more pseudo jedi. The ability to pick their races, maybe even their models and their difficulty. This would allow one to practice fighting styles.


B) Duel mode for multiplayer. Where you can pick just lightsabers and the force powers you want to have active on the server. I dont know if this is in since my internet connection is hosed and I cant play online right now.


C) Longer range jedi mind trick. Ever try to play saber only ? Its a royal pain in the level where the rocket guys take out the moving carriage. If I could only mind trick them.


D) Lightning shield. An always on force power that shields one from lightning if they are facing the enemy. This will keep someone from just flat hosing out lightning.


E) Ping force power. Like Luke uses to startle the birds on bespin to get Gantoris. Would be great for distracting those nosy troopers.


F) A promise of a SEQUEL! =) Give me another thousand levels ant Ill gladly give you my cash.

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Things that are actuallin JK2: A, B, C and D


A: There is a duel mode, try batteling the bots and ajust their difficulty setting.


B: See A


C: Strongest level mind trick ranges across the entire map if I am not mistaken, and works against all players simultaneously for 20 seconds. (could be wrong on this one)


D: Absorb, and even better, if someone uses lightning against absorb, the one with absorb actually gains force power

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A) If I remember correctly, there's a Single Player mod somewhere that does this; start with one standard Reborn, then Reborn Fencer, Reborn Force User, Reborn Boss, 2 Reborn, etc. until you get to Tavion, Desann, and God only knows what else. I haven't played it though (too busy playing MP Saber-Only under 1.03++), so maybe someone can fill in the name and URL of said mod?

Also, you can take Dea's solution.


B) Already in the game as the, amazingly, Duel gametype. Good luck with the assfighters of 1.03, though... :rolleyes:


C) Wrong Dea (for MP, anyway). If Level 3 Mind Trick worked for the entire map, I would have no trouble sneaking around on servers with the "green shadow" effect disabled (even with my saber off, that setting makes JMT useless). Currently, I believe the range of Mind Trick 3 in MP is about a 30-yard-radius circle around the Jedi, but without a really, really big yard stick, I'm not sure. And the duration is about 15 or 20 seconds.

Ever try to play saber only ? Its a royal pain in the level where the rocket guys take out the moving carriage. If I could only mind trick them.

Ok, forgive me for not knowing the reference here, but this seems to be a contradictory statement, since saber only = no rocket launchers. Yes, I agree with the longer-range Mind Trick, though. :)


D) Absorb. Preferably Level 3. It isn't ALWAYS on (that would make the Dark Side more pointless than 1.03 already has, IMHO), but it will protect you from Dark Force Powers, Push, and Pull when activated, giving you force for every power except Drain (when Drain is used on Absorb, both effects just cancel each other out, meaning no gain or lose to power and life for either Jedi, except for the cost of Drain and Absorb).


E) Didn't know the reference either, but this sounds amazingly like a function of the Jedi Mind Trick in Single Player (would either be nice or pointless in MP). With a Mind Trick Level of 2 (3 just casts the area-of-effect Mind Trick in my experience), click on a random, non-enemy location to cause a distraction that draws AI Imperials to it. At least, I think this is what you mean... :)


F) If we could get a solid promise of another patch, much less a sequel, this Jedi would be happy. :D


Merc out. :fett:

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Actually, for B, what is he saying is NOT in game without use of scripts.


He says he wants to enable or disable certain force powers. This is not in game, the only option is all force, or no force at all. You can choose certain powers.


I had played on a server with a script that disabled all force powers except for force jump, saber def, off, and throw. That was hella fun, because it was a saber only, no force fight that still let you do the fancy acrobatics.


Does anyone know where I can get this script? Thanks.



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No offense, but has anyone considered that the original post was just an ironic post, like "I complain about the game without knowing it" aimed at people who do so?


It's kinda obvious, that all the features indeed ARE in the game... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Richtus

Actually, for B, what is he saying is NOT in game without use of scripts.


He says he wants to enable or disable certain force powers. This is not in game, the only option is all force, or no force at all. You can choose certain powers.


I had played on a server with a script that disabled all force powers except for force jump, saber def, off, and throw. That was hella fun, because it was a saber only, no force fight that still let you do the fancy acrobatics.


Does anyone know where I can get this script? Thanks.



Hi Richtus, did we meet yesterday on the Jedi Academy Server? My name was Nam-Ze Ulb...


However, the console command is forcetoggle.


forcetoggle 1 disables/enables jump

forcetoggle 17 disables/enables saber throw.


The numbers are just the enumeration of the force powers in the Menu, I think, although I don't know exactly whether light or dark comes first...

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Originally posted by Mercen4ry C)


Wrong Dea (for MP, anyway). If Level 3 Mind Trick worked for the entire map, I would have no trouble sneaking around on servers with the "green shadow" effect disabled (even with my saber off, that setting makes JMT useless). Currently, I believe the range of Mind Trick 3 in MP is about a 30-yard-radius circle around the Jedi, but without a really, really big yard stick, I'm not sure. And the duration is about 15 or 20 seconds.


Actually it does spread over the whole map, but Force sight, attacking, or just random shootings can still get ya. Its also not silent.



Ok, forgive me for not knowing the reference here, but this seems to be a contradictory statement, since saber only = no rocket launchers. Yes, I agree with the longer-range Mind Trick, though. :)


He's talking about single player. Its one of the doomgiver maps where you either ride a little trolly or jump acrost some pillars. If you ride the trolly it causes 2 stormtroopers to spamrockets at you from very far away. If you dont take the trolly it doesn't spawn the stormtroopers, and you simply have to jump acrost about 25 pillars.



Sorry if I seem to be picking on you, just pointing out some incorrect statments ;)





Things I want in the game are...


G.) More saber stances. Three seems a bit too small, I know theres 5 but 2 are cheating.


H.) More saber types! Staffs, dual sabers, double bladed saber, and more weapons!!! Any1 else very disapointing in how few weapons there are? Also it would be a real pain to balance the different saber types, but it'd be freakin cool to have them. (And yes I know theres mods inprogress adding them)


I.) More single player maps! I like multiplayer, no I LOVE it, but single player still holds great value with me. Stories, objectives, and good characters are get fun! :cool:


J.) Vehicals! The entire Star Wars universe and we only get an At-St and a half finished X-wing! Also vehicals in multiplayer would be sweet (At-St arenas any?).


K.) This idea came from Penny's arcade but I still like it... Make multiplayer like RTCW, with objective based, team multiplayer games. Jedi are cool and all but I'd love to be a stormtrooper storming ( :D ) in on some rebel scum with guns only!

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Originally posted by Bluezman

No offense, but has anyone considered that the original post was just an ironic post, like "I complain about the game without knowing it" aimed at people who do so?


It's kinda obvious, that all the features indeed ARE in the game... :rolleyes:



Some people are new and don't know all the games features, so its up to us to help them. ;)

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Originally posted by SeraphimII

Some people are new and don't know all the games features, so its up to us to help them. ;)

Yes, I know, and I do. It just reminded me somewhat of the orgignal ASC post of ArtifeX or the "Force Powers are lame" threads. Anyone remember these? Someone posted in a sarcastic way why each and every force power is "lame" like "Absorb is lame. When I push you, you don't fall down, hax0r!!! It should be removed from the game". It was funny like hell but some people responded like "you are stupid, just play the game and shut up", taking it all seriously.


I just wondered, whether the original post was some sort of that and Derisor is laughing his a$$ off reading our answers going "well actually, it ias already in the game bla bla bla" :D :D


But as I said, no offense, and of course we will be helpful.


Peace y'all. :)

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Actually I as serious. THigns avalable vei cryptic console commands are not good enough. Id like to have these options available as checkboxes or somethign equally convenient.


But I dont think Ill be playing much multiplayer untill they solve the "assfighters" issue. I dont play games to think of how lame they are.

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