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FAQ Update soon?????

Rith Kain

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Do you mean the the official FAQ, or one of the sticky threads we have? If it's the official thread we don't have any control over it (speaking for myself anyway!)


If it was a sticky either tell me which one, or post the questions here and I'll help if possible...

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Originally posted by Rith Kain

No Faq updates for ages, i sent in a few questions myself, and hope 2 know the answer. Im hoping u guys didnt just forget bout FAQ


Rith, where are you from? The Official FAQs are updated EVERY FRIDAY check the main site for more details. Also the Devs have moved some of the FAQs info to features.


Please, only losers wouldn't check the FAQs!!!

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Originally posted by Ulic Quel Droma

jek its people like you who are gonna turn this into the jedi knight 2 forum, quit flaming people for asking simple questions :o


Actually, I'm only one person! Also, I, personally, believe that if people ask stupid questions and rants you should be able to flame people.


Is it my fault he is too lazy to check the FAQs himself?



At least calm down. Just because you know more about how things work doesn't mean you have to call other people losers.



I'm sorry, M'Lady, didn't know you were listening...



Ok, but, seriously, my ending tidbit, was more sarcasim than an insult.

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Doesn't matter if you meant it to be sarcastic, Jek. It came off as an insult.


I must have stated this a 100 times already on different boards, but:

Noone's a mindreader.


When you say ...

Please, only losers wouldn't check the FAQs!!!

... you are pretty much calling him a loser, regardless of how you wanted it to sound like.


Calm down.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

... you are pretty much calling him a loser, regardless of how you wanted it to sound like.


Oh well, if Rith would have read the FAQs in the first place I wouldn't have to comment on his stupidity.


Either that, or that was the day, I forgot to take my prozac!?!

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