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What level pissed you off the most?


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That level where all these dam snipers are EVERYWHERE and kill u in 1 shot(the level with the bar which was the best part of the level) I considered breaking my monitor but I didn't let the hate overcome me. What level pissed you off the most?

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Dont get me wrong. I love a challenge, but Nar Shadda Streets was a beeeeeyatch. Heres a synopsis of how i got through it:


save game

get killed by a sniper

load saved game

find sniper & kill him

save game


wash, rinse & repeat as necessary. :)

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There was this platform-jumping part in later levels... Don't remember the name of that goddamn place... Anyway, you get in this vehicle which moves between some sort of force field generators and start your journey to other side of the room. When you get to halfway, a stormtrooper fires a missile which blows up the vehicle and you have to proceed by jumping on the generator thingies. What makes this especially annoying is the fact that those troopers keep shooting rockets at you... I died about every three seconds.

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All I have to say is: Bespin Undercity.


Since I'm a bit of a sniper myself, spamming quicksave / quickload got me through NS without much of a delay, and the Doomgiver was just long, repetitive, and full of "Hey, you there!" However, the platformer bits and annoying timing of the earlier parts of Bespin gave me a headache. :(


Attempt 1: Start the level, walk up to innocent looking duct and use lightsaber to pry open. Suddenly, I get blown off the platform by a gust of wind coming from said grate. Hit quickload.

Attempt 2: Avoid gust of wind and watch for timing from one of these ducts. Then I get crushed by the large piston once I get in. Hit quickload.


... moving on, past the annoying fire part ...


Attempt 56: What is this?! I'm in a huge room that looks like it has no floor. Is that a red grating I see, or is it me? Nah, must be me. Maybe I can walk on this nice, metal area.... OMG, my life bar! Zap. Hit quickload.


... figured out the red beam-wire-whatever was not my imagination after all ...


Attempt 73: Oh Jesus, what are these beams? Ok, calm down Merc, they shouldn't hurt that much... let's test. Ow - fried Merc. Hit quickload.


... fast forward ahead ...


Attempt 122: Finally, that laser part is over.... oh look, Stormtroopers! :mob:


Enough said. Merc out. :fett:

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Nar Shadda Streets was a whore :)


Doomgiver had it's moments though I still want an explation as to why the Imperials would build their communications relay such that there are 27 rooms in on egiant room with connectiong catwalks, with random switches. No wonder the Rebels kicked their asses.



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Welcome to the wonderful world of platformer programming D.L. Do you think Cloud City would engineer its waste, power, and air supply systems just for Kyle Katarn? (although the difficulty involved in that bit was called for, if not extremely annoying; see above) The communications array "puzzle" was a tad stupid IMO, but then again, the imps would have won if they had any more intelligence than the basic Stormtrooper. :D


Merc out. :fett:

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Originally posted by Juveli

There was this platform-jumping part in later levels... Don't remember the name of that goddamn place... Anyway, you get in this vehicle which moves between some sort of force field generators and start your journey to other side of the room. When you get to halfway, a stormtrooper fires a missile which blows up the vehicle and you have to proceed by jumping on the generator thingies. What makes this especially annoying is the fact that those troopers keep shooting rockets at you... I died about every three seconds.

Once I found out that you can push the rockets back at the stormies, it actually was fun :D


My favorite was the one in the mines where these headcrabs were all over the place. When my batteries went out I was completely lost...

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I think the level was called Cairn_Bay or something. Anyway, it's the level where you had to sneak around. You go around the whole game blasting/sabering almost everything in sight and then...wait...maybe i should sneak around on this level. Don't get me wrong, it was fun, but kinda disrupted the flow of the game.

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I actually liked the idea and I saw where the Raven guys were coming from, but they should have made it more like "uh..oh, now if they see me, I am REALLY in trouble."


I was more like "what's wrong? I could kick you couple of guy's asses in no time if it wern't for that cutscene kicking in!" :cool::D

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Nar Shaddaa streets. Not only does it look stupid (too much plain blue and grey textures lol), but the 50000000000 snipers, god. Then there's that last garbage chute secret. Hah, yeah right. I bet that one was a mistake, they probably intneded ya to have some higher force jump level by then.


And there's no friken people ANYWHERE, wtf? This is NAR SHADDAA, the mini courscant of the galaxy. Not some back deserted alley on some no name city.



But ya


Hey know what would be cool but like, way hard to do? Have one of those machines like in Tales From The Mos Eisley Cantina (Greedo's story) that can level an entire deck of a city block just from firing some kind of weird, white beam cannon. Then have like 8 other decks smash ontop of it.

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Nar Shaada was a bugger.. like others it was get shot, load, kill sniper/s, get shot load, kill sniper/s.. I should go back and play it to find all the secrets though..


the crabs in the mines were annoying.. eventually I found the easiest way to get through was put the goggles on and run like heck.. if you do that you can probably get through little to no bites..


getting the light sabre during the trials was also a royal pain in the...

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Nar Shaada was a bugger.. like others it was get shot, load, kill sniper/s, get shot load, kill sniper/s.. I should go back and play it to find all the secrets though..


the crabs in the mines were annoying.. eventually I found the easiest way to get through was put the goggles on and run like heck.. if you do that you can probably get through little to no bites..


getting the light sabre during the trials was also a royal pain in the...

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Yea Nar Shaddaa sucked bad................BUT i thought the stealth level was easy considering u didnt need REAL stealth.....all i did was find a wandering stormtrooper...force pull and slice....then just look around in sniper rifle for the officer in black or grey (since they are the only ones who can pull the alarm) and blast them....after that just stand by the alarm and wait for the rest of the gang......lol i love how the stormtroopers are too dumb to pull the alarm themselves.....i guess they cant read or sumthing.

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