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What level pissed you off the most?


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Originally posted by kfretz

Yea Nar Shaddaa sucked bad................BUT i thought the stealth level was easy considering u didnt need REAL stealth.....all i did was find a wandering stormtrooper...force pull and slice....then just look around in sniper rifle for the officer in black or grey (since they are the only ones who can pull the alarm) and blast them....after that just stand by the alarm and wait for the rest of the gang......lol i love how the stormtroopers are too dumb to pull the alarm themselves.....i guess they cant read or sumthing.


Eh? Well, after getting caught a couple times, I decided to use up all the sentry gun units and little white shooting ball thingies that I've been keeping since the beginning of the game, make a perimeter around the (1st) warning unit, and pretty much let them come at me. Well, after a minute, it looked like a bloody mess, but just as I started to walk away, a stormtrooper approached the console. Next thing I know, I had to hit quickload :mad: .


Although the stealth mission was a real time-waster, the crabs bugged the living crap out of me, and the no-gravity-Doomgiver mission ticked me off (took me 30 minutes to finally find the exit), Nar Shaddaa ranks #1 on most frustrating missions list.


- Crios

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I hate the Artus Mines, Sniper Alley (why can't we dodge as good as reborns?), and especially Yavin Swamp (i always skip it).


On another note: What levels did everyone like?


I liked the whole bespin level, especially the air vanes where you meet the first reborn (spawn people and shove them into the currents... delightful!) I liked most of cairn, especially the main hangar room, nice and big (spawn 25 reborns and see how you do). I, (probably alone) loved the sneak part, especially when i found out how to skip the whole level (sans cheating), though the room with the lights tested my reload button's tenacity. And the fight with luke, i think, was the first part where i reloaded it after I beat it because it was just fun (except when he hits you with his saber, klutz!) Also, i liked teaming with other jedi after the swamps.

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The most annoying level was the one where you have to keep that stupid red flat-headed R2 unit alive while he roles down the exposed corridor at Bespin. Up to there, I really dug Bespin. You would think you could tell the R2 unit to stay put then go clear the way of snipers and mines,... It wasn't really hard, just annoying...


Other levels I didn't like `cause I only have a 400MHz AMD K6-2 to run the game on... like the swap at Yavin 4.

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Truth be told, I didn't have that much trouble with Nar Shadaa (just keep moving and follow the beams when they fire).


YAVIN SWAMP DROVE ME TO NEAR SUICIDE! The only fun thing about it was finally having level 3 force grip. Picking up swamp troopers and slamming them down into the water, and never seeing them get up was very satisfying. :)


But even better is using force grip to launch them through the air like a rocket, hearing that hilarious dopplar effect to their scream, and then that gross, wet crunch as their bones shatter on the landing. :D


I'm sick, I know it.

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Originally posted by JaseP

Other levels I didn't like `cause I only have a 400MHz AMD K6-2 to run the game on... like the swap at Yavin 4.


I feel your pain... Still, the swamp was almost fun. Perhaps it was that Level 3 Grip. :evil2:


The following canyon, however, was NOT fun...

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I also hate the Nar Shaddaa levels!! The snipers are so hard in the streets level. Later on where you first meet Reelo is annoying; it takes forever to bring down the turrets and once you finally got them and your health, ammo, and armor are low, a load of bad guys come out.


I also hate the ATST level; it's hard to shoot at everything with it. I guess I got used to using the lightsaber :D

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"The most annoying level was the one where you have to keep that stupid red flat-headed R2 unit alive while he roles down the exposed corridor at Bespin"


Yeah...I pulled it and pushed it (down the little step so that it would have to move on the elevator to get back up) away so that I could take out the bad guys, but it seems that the same robot that can take multiple blaster-shots can't take a 3 feet fall! That was just lame. Disgustingly lame.


I won't b!tch about the game anymore, but I'll say this: every puzzle that was created just for the fun of having a puzzle is a stinky-ass puzzle. Some of the stuff in this game...OMG! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

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Nar Shadda was a pain, but it was fun the second time around, becuase I remebered where the snipers where and just used speed bust while sniping them, so I could get out of the way. the canyon on Yavin was uber annoying, along with the swamp, especially where they throw 2 shadow troops at you, right at a moment where fps drops like a rock. Just plain evil. I had to look at walkthroughs for the com aray and that stupid underwater tunnel too.

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