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How do i perform DFA on the medium/light lightsabre stances?


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well theres one in heavy too...but the real one is in yellow...i forgot the button combos exactly...i just do it by heart. The yellow one he jumps in the air...flips and while upside down swings his saber 180 degrees...its awesome.

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there are two dfa moves. normally when someone says "dfa" they are referring to the heavy stance move which is the jump forward hack down move which is done by holding down attack and in mid swing hitting jump and forward. it can also be done running in which case you can just jump in mid swing while holding down attack. the other dfa which is more dfa-ie is the medium one. that's where you do the flip swing down thing. it's easier when running at an opponent. make sure the targeting reticle is right on them and hit attack and jump while moving forward to do it. it's easy to get out of the way of it so i don't use it much.

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I've found that the yellow finisher is tough to do while on the run?


Seems like its easier to do by staggering the button presses by just a fraction, i.e. NOT fwd+jump+attack, but more of fwd, jump, attack in split second succession...


pretty cool looking either way

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