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Community idea's for a possible SW:GB 2

Darth Windu

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That's what unique unit sets are. Different tech trees, different units, different buildings, etc. Maybe I used the wrong words. :confused:


It's not just the civ diversity which filled up the CD. It's the campaigns, the cutscenes, the cinematics (do you have any idea how big they are!?), the sound, the maps, the editor, and so on.


And anyway, what's so bad about multi-disk games? I've played great games with around 6 CDs. I really can't see what the problem is...... though I'm not exactly sure how disk-switching would work in an RTS. How about one CD for the campaigns, one CD for the editor, one for install, whatever... I don't know much about that kind of thing.


Anyway, if you ignore theoretical concepts of space, size, RAM and so on, can anyone deny that more civs and unique sets are bad?

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Heck, 3 cds nowadays really isn't that much considering the size of harddrives. And if LucasArts release GBII around 6-8 months before the release of Episode III we're talking about 2 more years of technology advancements in the meantime. Of course, if you really want to make the game big, they could just put it on a DVD. :)



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Yeah, Kryllith is right. A larger number of CDs is becoming the norm, and I have no doubt LA will not hesitate to add more CDs in return for better gameplay.


So..... er... any actual ideas for SW:GB 2?

And also, can I suggest that all ideas be posted here rather than in one of the many offshoot threads sprouting up? It's getting rather irritating.

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AoM has air units(Ravens, pegasi, phenoixes, rocs, and the Niddhogg. I think that LA will not use anyones engine except their own.


But what i came here to say (i tend to avoid this thread like the plague), is that i hope any future SW RTS uses Random Maps instead of premade scenerios. Random Maps are the reason the "Age" series did so well (combined with superior gameplay) and are alos the main reason i dont like any of blizzard's games.

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hmm dogfly, u talking about the aircrafts in EE?

well some ppl like dogflying (i do)

some ppl don't...


well in the movies, X-wings have vertical thrust engines, which allows them to hover instead of flying around all the time , non-stop...


it'd be easier to control if the fighters are hovering

but it'd look cooler if they act like real aircrafts (non-stop)

depends...what u guys think?


btw, LA...hmm I don't think they'll use their own engine, cause ever since win98 came out, games based on LA engines have been disasters...for example, force commander...ah..that game sux... i would say LA use other game engines...like it did for JK2 and SWGB

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that's great

hope that our ideas will go into GB2


about Aok players

what I heard is that ppl don't really like SWGB

although it's a big improvement from AOK/AOC (even better than AOK/AOC)

but then they don't want to spend money on this game, cause it's pretty much the same thing...that's what I heard...


if LA uses other game engines for SWGB

and they want ppl to buy it (ppl besides SW fans)

then they really have to put time into development and make it less obvious...(jk2 did a good job)

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Because GB was so good that it showed me how much better AoK could have been - and it made Ensemble's mistakes much more ovbious. Before GB I assumed all RTS had poor balance like AoK. GB proved that wrong, and highlighted that AoK was not really all that great.


All that aside, I basically had paid more for the same game - and given a decision over which game to sell I would not hesitate to sell back AoK.


Supposedly for AoM ES is for once going to put gameplay ahead of realism and not overpower units simply because they were strong in real life. If they do that then AoM will be as good as or better than GB.

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I have to disagree with the whole art=mangonel thing. Arts are more like a bombard cannon than a mangonel. Mangonels were many used for damaging tightly bunched units and archers, plus maybe on aggresive buildings. Arts are slightly worse vs units (about to the degree of bombard cannons) but serve as a mobile long range siege weapon that has less attack/ armor than a cannon/treb.


Speaking about that cannons are the most obvious rip off. THey share the same stats and hotkeys as trebs, not to mention idea/purpose.

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yeah I agree

in Aok, the castle is way tooooooo strong

they balanced pretty well in GB

the castles has less range and is less powerful.

u can destroy castles will just assault mechs,

dun need to rely so heavily on siege weapons anymore



i think they should keep up the good work

the good balance, and less micromanagement

it's a strategy game, not a tactics game.

strategy is wat's fun about AoK/GB, not tactics...

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