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Community idea's for a possible SW:GB 2

Darth Windu

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Luke's dad- if we can find the monkeys, we have all the time in the world. :D

Actually, if LA can shell out the money into its RTS budget in order to hire some top-notch programmers and designers, it shouldn't be nearly as hard as some make it out to be. After all, other games have done it...... why can't we?


Arthur- I don't really like the idea of this 'splitting branches' thing. I'm assuming that by this you mean that once you choose to research along a certain branch, you can't advance in another one.

Personally, I hate to limit gameplay in any way, so I'd prefer a normal expanding tech tree, like we've seen in many other games (eg. WC).

I would like unique unit sets, but in some areas, a generic factor will be present in that the role of the units may be the same- ie, each civ will have a space superiority fighter, a heavy assault ship, etc. etc. Some civs may have identical units in some areas, if it fits in with gameplay and realism.... this is necessary to conserve the time and effort required to design each civ (not to mention the player's PC capabilities).

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CorranSec -

Not quite,

ok i'll give u an example

researching "fire control" and "turbolaser" lets u build unit 1

researching "fire control" and "hyperdrive" lets u build unit 2

researching "turbolaser and "hyperdrive" lets u build unit 1

like that

u can always go and research other technologies

but then just think about the Time and Cost...

not quite the crisis situation u mentioned.


it's kinda like what's in AoM now

u can choose Athena and Appollo as gods

u can also choose Athena and someone else

and different gods give u different units and technologies

so everytime u choose different gods u get a unique set


this is what i am thinking , except i am based on researching technology, not a fixed "GOD"


it's like u got 500 technologies availible for research

researching certain technologies allows u to build some combination of units

and u can change that combination by researching different technologies

But u need time and resource to research....so yeah, gotta manage the time and cost wisely

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Vostok- what's wrong with buildings changing? It's just an aesthetic thing, but one which reflects the increase in the technology and power of your civ. Why wouldn't you want that?


Arthur- I think that might unnecessarily complicate the game. AoM has this in smaller amounts (just an occasional god choosing) but requiring it for every single buildable unit would get damned irritating, and slow the game right down. Even needing to research every unit might get really boring after a while.

I was thinking more like a normal 'expanding' tech tree, when building a building lets you build another building/couple of buildings, and maybe some units, and researching a tech gives you access to another bunch of units, etc.


I don't want the game to be research-heavy; you can have a nice tech tree without needing much research at all (eg. the Crafts), while you can also have a tech tree with a reasonable amount of 'augmenting' research (making units better) eg. Battle Realms. I much prefer these to a huge-tech-focussed game like the one you're proposing.

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u've seen AoM right?

is it boring? not realli


it's not quite the crisis situation u imagine, again

turst me

i've played games that give u unique unit combinations

and i think it's cool cause then u know which route u gonna go as u develop

u can balance it out later

it's definitely something to increase the game's variation

u get more units to play with.


it's kinda like AoM

what i mean by researching is just like choosing gods

well sort it out later


If LA is cutting their SWGB 2 project (which is highly possible)

then there is no point doing all these...

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Originally posted by MadrixTF


Where did you hear that? It would be really sad if this is true...


of course it's true

i told u guys already that Lucasarts is not a richass company like Microsoft, nor is it a company with like tons of human resource

if the projects don't make money, they have to cut it

and to save their budget they use other ppl's engine instead of creating their own.

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Okay, I suppose I'll retract my statement. The building changes are cool. It's just the fact that it's left over from AoK that I don't like.


I think we need a more complicated tech tree than the "Crafts" - by which I assume you mean the Blizzard games - As their techs were only "research unit special abilities, research armour." A whole lot of techs should be available like in SWGB relating to economy, defence, offence and other things.

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Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

I don't like the tech tree system (though I do not hate it it), but sisnce I do not yet have a valid arguement I will leave this thread alone for a while.


hmmm what kind of tech tree?

the one i am thinking about is like a really large one

and u can research and gain access to units

well u can choose what ever technologies u want to research and get the unit combination u want

that's just a thought

some great games are made with this concept of tech tree

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Vostok- the term 'tech tree,' as such, does not only apply to actual researchable technologies. It basically means that instead of advancing through the ages, eg. going to age I means you can build all age I units, age II means age II units, etc...

it works like so (This is how I hope it would work)

Construct building A- can now construct building B and build units I and II

Construct building B- can now research techs 1 and 2

research tech 1- access to new branch of units eg. Mechs

research tech 2- unit upgrade eg. better armour

And yes, "The Crafts" means StarCraft, StarCraft: Brood War, WarCraft I, WarCraft II, WarCraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, and WarCraft III... but I just like saying "The Crafts." It's a lot easier, don't you agree?


Arthur- once again, I just think that this gets a bit more complex. You'd end up actually focussing more on "Hmmm.... shall I research this? This will give me THIS unit.... but if I research THIS, I could get THAT unit.... but THIS technology will make THAT, THAT and THAT units upgradeable... Hmmm..... oh dear, I've been sitting here for 20 minutes now, and I don't have a single unit."


This may be exaggerating, but I wouldn't like anything so complex. Occasional splitting branches and the like would be OK, just as long as choosing one doesn't make others unavailable.

No, I'd prefer the usual: That is, what I put above, combined with an element of tech level advancing.


As I've said many times, I don't want this game to become epic-scale and massively tech-ish. It's a battle game first and foremost, and while I don't want to turn it into a Craft, I don't want RoN either.

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luke - you're an idiot. There never was a 'SW:GB2' project to begin with. The whole idea surrounding SW:GB2 was created on this forum by members here to express what they would like to see in a POSSIBLE sequel. There was never any offical word as to whether it would be made or not.

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Windu, don't be so harsh! a) It's not his fault he didn't know and b) when did he actually mention a "GB 2" project? Scrolling up, all I've seen is him saying "LA is cutting on their SW projects."


Arthur- Still, that seems like a lot. Start with 5 techs; you research one, you get another 5; once you research them all, you have 25 more; you research all of THEM......

As I've said, not every single unit should require a technology. I was thinking more along the lines of "tiers." Eg. at tier 1, you can build laser troopers and scout mechs, and research some stuff (including an upgrade which subtly leads you to tier 2 in on area, eg. troopers). A single research (if it's not an upgrade) will open up a ground of units/research options, and maybe another building.

The focus must NOT be on research. With your idea, it'll probably end up like this:

Tech 1- *build barracks* *research tech: Laser Trooper*

Tech 2- *research Mounted Trooper, AA Trooper, many upgrades*

Tech 3- *research Superiority Fighter, Bomber, Scout Fighter*


We don't want to have to be thinking about research every time we simply want to build a varied bunch of units.


Crazy Dog- It's not going to turn out anything like that. If you look at the propositions we've put forward, it's clear that the player will advance clearly and methodically. Also, 1) there's no medieval period, and 2) no cruise missiles. :D

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Corransec -

No lah!!!

it only applies to those relatively advanced units

take AoM for example:

everybody has infantry (same civ, different gods), but u may get different Myth units


that's what i am talking about

of course it's no fun to play a game that relies healivy on research

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

luke - you're an idiot. There never was a 'SW:GB2' project to begin with. The whole idea surrounding SW:GB2 was created on this forum by members here to express what they would like to see in a POSSIBLE sequel. There was never any offical word as to whether it would be made or not.


HA! You are calling ME an idiot?! I won't start about you! Besides, I never said there was a SWGB 2 project. I only said it was quite not possible to have another SWGB.

It was to Corran when he said that LA could hire so top designers and then I said that LA is cutting on their SW projects so it is quite impropable that they hire top designers.

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CorranSec - yes, that's what I understand a tech tree to be, and I quite like that concept (that's how it was in the "Crafts" or as I call them, the Blizzard games). I think it would work well for Star Wars. You can't build a mech factory or airbase until you have a barracks, etc.


I wouldn't mind the "branching" idea, where if you research something you'll be weaker in another field, but I can't think of a good way to do it and I think including it in Star Wars will make some of the civs lose their character, though not necessarily if done well. For example if someone decides to take Gungans done the research branch for good air units... it just wasn't meant to be.

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Originally posted by Admiral Vostok

CorranSec - yes, that's what I understand a tech tree to be, and I quite like that concept (that's how it was in the "Crafts" or as I call them, the Blizzard games). I think it would work well for Star Wars. You can't build a mech factory or airbase until you have a barracks, etc.


I wouldn't mind the "branching" idea, where if you research something you'll be weaker in another field, but I can't think of a good way to do it and I think including it in Star Wars will make some of the civs lose their character, though not necessarily if done well. For example if someone decides to take Gungans done the research branch for good air units... it just wasn't meant to be.


not quite ---> admiral..

Blizzard games still use Tech lvls

u upgrade from tree of age to tree of eternity and stuff....the tech tree structure of blizzard games is way simpler


the branching tech tree is hmmm....well can't think of an example

it's in Enemy Nations (even though the game did a poor job on it)

and it's in AoM


i like the idea cauz it gives us more variety....u can create ur own combination of units, that means, different tactics...

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Yeah but not all Blizzard games use the Tech Level idea. I've had the most experience with StarCraft, and only the Zerg used a tech level idea. But yeah, I agree with WarCraft they did do a simplified tech level.


I think the Blizzard games really did a combination of tech level / tech tree research. Lets just define these as I'm using them: Tech level means a specific upgrade to the next level (through age, town hall upgrading, etc.) Tech tree is purely "research this and this to be able to build this".


I'd like to see a purely tech-tree based game for Star Wars.

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