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The RichDiesel University Tutorial Questions Thread.


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Sory to hear u leave rich. i love your tutorials they really helped me get started.



If anyone is still answering questions on here i am having truble making a .pk3 file. I tried using pakscape but it doesn't work and i can't seem to figure out how to do it winzip. If anyone knows how to do it in winzip or another utility i can use your help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,

Lil Killa

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OMG. Noooooooooooo! Ever watch a really good movie, only to have the tape/dvd eaten before the end? :crybaby:


Sorry to hear about your loss Rich. Good luck with future endeavors. It will be difficult to fill your shoes around here.


About the tuts... Is there anyway to allow another professor finish the remaining courses? If someone were to step up, would you allow them to finish your current coarse agenda? (Not me of course, I'm a nooB.) Or, are you taking the site down as well?


Again, good luck. Hope you get hit with JKII fever again soon.

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I have had a rather untimely error:


I type in devmap *** and the following screen appears:




***.npc is too long.


Now considering the fact that the aren't any NPC'S in my map,I assume that I'm hallucinating, or the computer's simply deranged. What do I do?


Thanks in advance.

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Well, I'm not sure if this will help you or not Quotation but...


The Fool-Proof Shadriss Method of Map DeBugging:


1. Get a live chicken.

2. Get yourself a hat (mexican style if you can find it) and put it on a table.

3. Go out to you car, and find about five or six stale french fries that have been stuck under the front seat for the last month. (Thought we didnt know about those? Think again!)

4. Placing all three above items on the table, dance around it in a cavorting wild dancec, calling on Bob, the eternal Janitor, to come down from his Janitor's Closet in the sky and rid your map of it's EVIL SPIRITS!

5. Get upset at the chicken for eating the stale french fries during the dance.

6. Have a chicken dinner.

7. Find someone who has a clue, because, obviously, I don't.


Honestly, though, if it's looking for an NPC file, then it seems to think that, for some reason, it's a SP map. Now maybe it IS (you didn't say) but if it ISNT supposed to be, , you may want to do a couple of dummy checks in your project settings. Check the entites path, anyways.


Now, if it IS a SP level, you may want to track down the NPC file and delete it, then re-compile. Just a couple of ideas.


Good Luck.


*Mumbles* Where am I gonna find a live chicken in the middle of New York....

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I am giving a way an old map of mine that was meant to be for the -|JA|- clan.....you can take full credit. The map is about half done....I am looking for someone with some mapping skills. Someone that is willing to finish the map. This is a give away no chrages will be placed winner will be able to take FULL credit for this map .... for a chance to win email me @ alexbailey@nettaxi.com In your emal please add mapping skills and age. alexbailey@nettaxi.com

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aight dudes i got the ultimate question......


How in god's name do i make an elevator respond to a switch in single player mode? Do i need a script? Or is there a trick in which it is done? This is the BIGGEST obstacle that i have come across and it is halting the progress on my map. Please, anybody with an easy answer would be a god in my book.

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I think that this is one of those questions that everyone knows the answer to but no one talks about. I can find vague references to it everywhere, but nothing as specific as I need. I have a great MP map ready to play and distribute, but I can't figure out how to put custom music to it. I have tried to use the Worldspawn entity by entering the key: music value: music/song1.wav. I have placed the song1.wav file in a new folder named music in my gamedata/base folder, as well as in a music folder in my pk3 file. That is obviously the wrong way to do it because it dosen't work. I get the message in console when I load the map: Warning, couldn't find music file:( music/song1.wav)

Does anyone care to help me see the obvious thing that I am failing to do?:D

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Try creating another directory in the base music directory so that you have (for example) music/brian/song1.wav. Also i think the music should be in mp3 format with settings no higher than 192 kbit and 44.1 Hz.


You can also try opening other people's bsp file in notepad and look for the music entry with find. The link that will give you should be a good example of how it should look.

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I don't care what anyone else has had problems with in the past becaouse to me this is the mother of all problems. When i started my map up in multyplyer it said that the first entity wasn't a world spawn. So think that that wouldn't be a problem i whent to radiant to try to fix the "worldspawn" prblem but when i opened my map all it did was show the textures. so i took a brush and made it a worldspwan hoping to fix my problem and saved it under a different name not to screw up my map any further so i save it and do a bsp fulvis and it still doesn't work and now when i open up the first map that was screwed it crashes radiant. what do i do?!?!?!? this problem has been haunting me for almost a month now and i am going crazy so if you know what to do please help and thanks in advance to anyone who can figure tis out.



Map Maker



P.S. I do care about any problems anyone has and I try to help when i know the answer

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World spawn is the entity that contains the global settings of your map(like music and startup messages etc.). No brush should be worldspawn. It's not an entity you can create. It's always there, if you use it or not.


Have you tried unistalling/reinstalling Radiant? It sounds like something went wrong when you saved your map and the map file has been corrupted. If all your other map files still work the problem should not be with Radiant. I hope you still have a backup.(Check autosave.map. That should be a backup or your most recent work)


You can also check the view settings. Maybe parts of your map are being filtered so that you can't see them. Or turn of cubic clipping in the view settings.

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thank you white shadow my other map files are fine and i started another map so autosave isout o the question, thanks for helping but i have decided to give up that map.


If anyone else has any idea how i of how to get my map back i would still like help on the matter.


Also how do imake a light emiting shader? and can i make any shader emit light?

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First, we go to Marth...


How do i fix a leak when i compile


Before I answer that one, I have to ask - You've posted over 200 times (and at least SOME of those are in this forum, I would assume) and you've never seen this question asked before?


A LEAK is a place where the player could potentially see the "void" from inside the map. THis is caused by your brushes not forming an "air tight seal", or possibly buy making all your brushes detail brushes. In the former instance, you need to insure that all your brushes that touch the void also touch each other, so that there is no way to see into it. In the latter instance, you need to convert those same brushes I just spoke about into structural brushes (brushes are created this way by default).


If this is in any way confusing, check out Rich's Tuts. The address is posted all over the place in this thread.


Next, to Map Maker 101...


how di i make a light emmiting shader? can i make any shader emit light? if so how?


I wish I had a solid answer for you on this one. Shaders are the bane of my existancee, since I STILL dont know how to make them. BUT! I DO know someone who DOES know how to make them. ANd so do you.




I can answer part of the question though - Yes, you CAN make any shader emit light. All it takes is a shader script to tell the shader to do it.


Thats it for me...

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Yes you can let a shader emit light if you want. I 'm not a big fan of this personally. I prefer to use light entities.


I'm assuming you have some shader knowledge here, because you probably wouldn't ask this question otherwise.


What you need to do is add the tag "q3map_surfacelight" to your shaderscript and offcourse add a value to it. For example 200.


You can do it manually or you can use ShaderEd that came with one of the SDK's.

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thanks i haven't tried it yet but will soon i decided to make my map dark like narshada streets. also would u or anyone else know how to rotate a misc model? I have tried the normal rotate tools pluse the free rotate toll and can't get it to turn.Is it even possible to rotate misc models? Just in case i am using jk2 radiant.






P.S. Thanks in advance to anyone who answers the this

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