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The RichDiesel University Tutorial Questions Thread.


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Originally posted by legameboy

my question, ive learned a couple things sincewhen i first started in september andi started using gtk radient (god bless gtk:D ) and i try to make a switch for a door, so i make the switch put a brush in front of it and cover it with trigger then i select the trigger brush and the door and i press control+k and nothing happens and another quetion i have is why is everything in gtk sort of wireframed?



also try making the trigger brush a triger multiple.(unless it is a one time use only)

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Originally posted by Gideon

1) I'm not exaclty sure if they are floating but the things I refer to are the landing pads in coruscant that you see in the movies.


2)I guess I wasn't clear about this.....I meant textures from coruscant buildings that I can put on the brushes as a sky, than I won't have to make every building that you see.

I want this because this map is suposed to be pl;ayed with the jetpack mod, so you can jetpack between diffrent platforms (which I think is pretty cool).

I need at least on texture to go at the bottom of my level.


3) A building.....With this I meant really large structure that you can enter but I always have trouble picking the right textures so my question is,(on the outside) do you use one texture or many over many brushes (this way it won't be like a pillar)


4)How do you make that fog that see in levels like MP CTF level on Narshadaa ( just forgot that name)


5)NEW: When you light your map, do you put lights everywere? or only one (the sun) and a couple for effects.

I ask this because, there are lights everywere in that narshadaa level included with the JK2EditingTools2


6)NEW: JKIIRadiant won't compile:

I pres one of those BSP buttons; it gives me a window with something in DOS and than gives me the defaul bleep sound of my computer and than the window dissapears. Does this have anything to do with XP perhaps???


1) Landing platforms were always attatched to buildings. Non of them wern't actually floating, so I would suggest you follow suit.


2) That isn't going to work. The texture you're refering to was designed to be seen from inside a window, not as a skyshader. The only coruscant skyshader I've even seen was the one I used on the RCHQ map, and even it wasnt all that hot. Quite simply, if you want buildings and a skyline, you can either track down a new skyshader, ,of make every last building. Guess which I suggest? :)


3) When I do a building, I like to use a few different textures, just to give the building exterior some life to it. So, it'll take a number of brushes and textures to create that effect.


4) Fogs are kinda complex, but at the same time not. It's just a brush, as big as the frooms floor, and as high as you want the fog to be. Texture the entire brush with "system/caulk_nonsolid". Then go into your "Fogs" texture set, and choose one. Apply it to the TOP and BOTTOM facees of the brush ONLY. That should do it, but as a note, some of those fog shaders dont work. You may have to try a few to get one.


5) There are two ways to do lighting, but the method you mention is the most common and the easiest. Just be sure to do your lighting last, sop you can get all your structure in place fairly easilly.


6) Has nothing to do with XP. I use that, , and I have no problems compiling. Perhaps you map has a fairly serious leak problem, or a pathing issue? I'd chaeck both before continuing the map.

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Thanks Shadriss, say you don't happen to be Dutch right?

Anyway, thanks, I think the leak is the problem. I thought wrong, I only had the buildings and not the sky yet:rolleyes:


But I do think that in episode 1:The Phantom Menace, when Queen Amidala lands her ship on Coruscant that it is a floating platform where there is one big in the center and 4 on the outer corners, for the "bus" thingys to pick up the one's coming from that main platform or the ship on it I suppose

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Originally posted by Shadriss

2) That isn't going to work. The texture you're refering to was designed to be seen from inside a window, not as a skyshader.


That's right. Also that texture isn't even supposed to be used for a gameplay map. As far as i can remember that texture was only used in a cut scene with Mon Motha map on Coruscant. It looked ok in a cut scene. The camera doesn't get too close, but in an actual gameplay map it doesn't look very good in my opinion.

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While trying to place a model on my level i recived the following error:

Unable to open the file "c:/program files/lucas arts/jk2/blablabla/generator_big.md3" (further error for the files will be ignored for the rest of this edit session)


I have not changed any of my files paths sence the last time i add a model to a level, so thats not it. and it dose this for all models and restarting JKR dose not help. if you know whats wrong pz help!

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The texture we are refering to (and the one we think you are refering to as well) is located in the Kejim texture set. It's a two-part texture/shader that features a row of buildings on COruscant with small ships flying between them. Bright blue background.


And yes, it HAS been used effectively in several maps - but ALWAYS when seen through a window. It ISNT meant to be used as a skyshader - IE - is not s sky in the sence that it would appear seamless and vast in the way some do. It's designed to be used as a window-type sky. It works as an accent, but would NEVER do as a full skyshader.

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somehow I figured that out a really long time ago, nd uhm...Shadriss, I wasn't refering to any premade texture.

In fact I wasn't referring to any texture.


I asked if somebody had textures I could use, and not nececarily as a skyshader. But not the one that came with the game itself.

One that has been made for another game or made by somebody

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I am looking for the chair that Reelo uses in SP. I've seen it in custom MP maps. However, I can't find it in assets0.pk3. I looked under chair.md3, and those two are not what I am looking for. I also found ReeloChair.jpg in assets0.pk3 but no ReeloChair.md3. It's there somewhere, but where?




Oh yes. Also, has anyone written a tutorial on creating botsupport for a map? RD didn't quite get that far on his tutorials.




One more thing, :p .

How do I make that window texture of buildings and ships from Kejim animate (the one Giddeon and you guys are talking about)? There is a set of textures that go with it to make it animate, but how do I work it?



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Gideon - SOrry - misunderstood the question. :) Hey, we all make mistakes.


SPyder, ,use the texture that has the white border wound it. THat should make the whole thing work.


Bot support DOES have a tutorial, and it's in your gamedata/tools folder.


Dunno where that chair is... I dont think I've even seen it when going through my md3s... sorry. :)

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MapMaker 101 -


Textures can be created in any grapical editing program, provided the end result meets these requirements :


A) The dimensions of the texture MUST be a power of 2. (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 518, ,1024, etc...) The dimensionc can be any combination of those numbers (1024 x 518 for example, or 16 x 256) as long as the dimensions are power of two. Note that this applies to your levelshots as well.


B) It must be saved as either a JPG or TGA file.


Once the texture is created, you'll need to make a folder for it so you can see it in the editor, and ultimately, in game. Go into your base/textures folder and create a new folder with whatever name you want to use. Most people use the name of the map it's for, just to keep it all simple. Once that folder is created, put the new texture into it, then load radient. Look for the name you used for the folder in your texture set listings.


And there it is. Enjoy.

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Ok i got a couple questions.


1. I get a prts error sometimes when i compile. what exactly is this and how do i fix it?


2. i work on my map, compile it and the lighting is the way i want it, then i work on it some more and then i compile again, but this time everything is very bright. How can I fix this?

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How do you mean bright? Like...everything is lit up in the same way, or are all your special effects mixed up (like a dim light is very very bright)?


I think it might be something with the compiler. Are you sure you took the right one? I'm no expert in these things so don't blame me if I'm wrong...:rolleyes:

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