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The RichDiesel University Tutorial Questions Thread.


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that happened to me too, you can't delete the lights and they appear in every room even if you did not put lights in them. What i did was i made notes and i just remade the map. I kept the lighting gone until i got to where i was last time. I really don't have a soloution just a td of a story.

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Originally posted by Fettt-Disorder

Ok i got a couple questions.


1. I get a prts error sometimes when i compile. what exactly is this and how do i fix it?


2. i work on my map, compile it and the lighting is the way i want it, then i work on it some more and then i compile again, but this time everything is very bright. How can I fix this?


I think you get that error when your map is very bright after compile. I think this because both problems probably have the same reason: you have a leak in your map. A hole.


If you use JK2Radiant you can see thick red lines after compiling the map. In GtkRadiant you have to load the point file (File\Pointfile) to show them up. Those lines are there to help you find that hole. Fix it!

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everytime i load my map in radiant a litle bit of it dissapears :deathi: :deathii: !!!!!!!!! what is happening!?!?!?!?!?!?!? the map is like 80% done and it is huge so i don't wanna rebuild it plz someone have an answer to this......


*depresed, very depresed*


thanks for the answer on the shader shad;)

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Heres a couple more questions(since im learning more here than anywhere else)


1. can someone explain to me how to make a portal?


2. In the system shaders, there are some shaders like hint, mirror,vidoe, slick etc.. what exactly do they do?


thats it for now, but im sure i will have more eventually

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Originally posted by Gideon

I know this questoin has been here before (or at least on the forum) but I still don't know how to make a floor that has a mirror effect.

Do you have to make a new texture or is there allready something I can do to do this?




Go to "tests" in the shader list and find "mirror_floor" apply the "mirror_floor" texture to your floor and then put a misc_portal_surface above the floor(about 64 units or so doesn't matter) and thats it.


Be carfull how you use this texture though because it doubles what the game engine has to draw so it doubles the fps.

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Originally posted by Marth

Why can't i see my function plats? when i bsp and go to game it completly dissappers


make sure that when u put in your funk plat that it is at the top of it's travel as in where the finnal possition is after u step on it.


also make sure u have the height value correct.

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Originally posted by Marth

How come i can't hear a door when it opens, whats the key & value in jk2 radiant? for a door sound?


Sound is done slightly differently, depending on SP or MP.


The SP method is easy - Key : soundset, value : (insert soundset here). The soundsets are all listed in a txt document in your JK2 folder somewhere... cant remember where off hand. If you do a search through windows for "Sound" you'll find it.


For MP it's a little more difficult. Each part of a door movement (opening, ,closing, not moving, moving, etc) has a different key. They are all listed in the properties area for that brush. Now, the sounds that are avaliable are the same as for SP, ,but you cant use the soundset option. Fortunetely, the soundsets also list the individual sounds that make up the set. So, just plug them in and there you go.

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Originally posted by Fettt-Disorder

Heres a couple more questions(since im learning more here than anywhere else)


1. can someone explain to me how to make a portal?


2. In the system shaders, there are some shaders like hint, mirror,vidoe, slick etc.. what exactly do they do?


thats it for now, but im sure i will have more eventually


I assume you are talking AreaPortals here. Making one is easy - PLACING them is a bit more difficult. To make one, ,just make a brush and cover all sides with the "system/areaportal" texture. They should be placed ENTIRELY inside a door. The idea is to cause a split in the VIS process during compile, so that when the doors are closed, the game doesn't draw what's beyond them.


Since a func_door isn't considered structural for the purposes of VIS, the areaportal essentially takes its place. But ONLY if it is placed INSIDE the door, and only touches TWO areas. For more on this, check out Rich's Tuts.


As for all the system shaders, they only ones you should really worry about for now are the caulk, caulk_nonsolid, clip, physics_clip, trigger, and areaportal. Those are the ones you are going to use the most by FAR.


If you need more information on those textures, ask specific questions. :)


Hope that helped.

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101, all you have to do, is make a switch and then select your switch then your light and press Shift + K at the same time. Then everytime you press the switch, the light comes on.


But now for my question, my skies aren't working. Ya know how is displays them in the texture winder below the 3d camera? Well it just has the pic over and over again. There's no sky...


And How do you make elevators? I wouldn't mind knowing that for my level...


and lastly, I don't get how you make glass, I got lost in the tutorial really fast.


Anyway, thanks

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Originally posted by Darth Saul

But now for my question, my skies aren't working. Ya know how is displays them in the texture winder below the 3d camera? Well it just has the pic over and over again. There's no sky...


And How do you make elevators? I wouldn't mind knowing that for my level...


and lastly, I don't get how you make glass, I got lost in the tutorial really fast.


Anyway, thanks


Okies - first the skies. With one exception (the "Space" shader) All of the skies use a shader. Given. THere is going to be a texture that is white and has the word "sky" on it. It's name will be similar to the sky you are trying to implement. Locate and use that.


Elevators - This is more complicated, but here's how I make mine. First, create your elevator itself. The actual structure. Now, at the top and bottom, make the buttons for it. Now, with that done, select all the brushes that make up your elevator, and turn them into a func_plat. Select the button ITSELF from the button setups and turn them into a func_button. Create a target_delay and place it in the map near one of the buttons. Select your first button, and have it target the target_delay. Repeat for the second button. Now, target the delay at the elevaotr itself, then assign sounds, ,distances, speeds as described in Rich's Tuts. Viola.


Glass - Extremely simple. First, make the brush that's going to be glass. Load up the Common texture set. You'll see several choices of glass types, but for simplicity, ,just use "glass" Apply it to the surfaces that your player will be able to see through. Generally, this is only two sides. Now, make the glass brush a "detail" brush by selecting it and hitting ctrl-m. Done. If you want it to be breakable, you can also turn it into a func_glass.


Hope that helps. NOW GET BACK TO WORK!

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I think there is a simpler way to make elevators, if all you want is a platform that starts at the bottom, goes up when you step on it, and goes down again, but also comes up to the top if someone goes to the elevator shaft at the top.


Make an elevator brush and make it a func_plat, assign speed and a delay value for how long to wait at the top.


Then, make two trigger brushes: one goes at the bottom of the elevator shaft, IN the elevator shaft, so that the player triggers it when they step on the elevator at the bottom. The second goes at the top of the elevator shaft, just OUTSIDE the shaft, so that the player triggers it when they come near the top of the elevator wanting to get down. Select BOTH trigger brushes and make them into a trigger_multiple. Set the delay on the single dismembered trigger to be about 1-2 seconds longer than it takes the elevator to complete its movement (up, wait, down), and target it at the elevator.


That way, if you're at the bottom and want to go up, you just step onto the platform and it will take you, wait a little to let you get off, and go back down. If you're at the top wanting to go down, the elevator will come up to get you, wait a little to pick you up, take you down, and then wait a bit before taking you up again if you're still standing on it. Like the old elevators in JK.

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