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Game is fogged up -- - - - HELP!


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Just bought this game (have been living under a large rock until just recently) but have a problem. There appears to be a fog around the middle of the screen into which my x-wing etc. disappears. I'm running the game on a Gateway pent 4 1.3ghz with an ATI Radeon8500 ddr64mb with WinME.


Can anyone please help cos the game feels great - the bits I can play. I tried to find your tech forum but it appears to be missing.

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uhm.. well i had this black box problem with the phantom menace game.


there the problem was that the game couldnt see my graphics card. the only thing i tried is re-install Direct X and run some detection things that came with the game ... and then it worked like a charme....


maybe you should download a patch....

.. uhm.. is there a patch? have you checked the main site?

http://www.roguesquadron.net? Red? is there a patch?


well i hope i helped some bit :D


Wraith 8

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