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WIP - Mace Windu SP Level


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I finally got compiling to work... after playing about with "gridsize" for a while....


This level will be very story-driven and will feature plenty of cutscenes. Anyone who's familiar with my BoaM/ToaM SP levels for MotS should know what sort of quality to expect.


The level is set five years before Episode II and features Windu investigating the disappearance of a Jedi and rumours of a mysterious Dark Force clan at a spaceport on Malastare.


Docking bay exterior:




Docking bay landing pad with the new, moodier skybox:




Room that overlooks landing pad and control switch for cargo lift:




Staircase that leads from the landing pad down to the main exit to the spaceport:




Marketplace with revamped lighting:




A shop of some sort:




Outside of the docking bay across from the shop:



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Looks incredible. the neon sign doenst seem to fit in for me. it looks too plain while the rest of your level is a pure work of art, if you want, just PM or e-mail me what you were going for and maybe i could come up with something in photoshop for you(while i'm waiting for the meshes to be redone). I am honored that your using my mace in your sp level. this is going to be too cool. and I too was wondering how long this campaign would be. The longer the better i always say. Maybe you could make it a Trilogy Campaign or something, and release them one large episode at a time, that would be really cool. keep up the great work.



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What I plan to do is make the mission at hand rather long... but there could also be optional sub-missions.. kinda like in the Episode I game, where you can do errands for people... the first quarter or so of the level will be non-combat making for adventure/puzzle style gaming.


I'm doing all the arch first, I hope to have this done in a couple of months. Then I will work on adding the NPCs, cutscenes and all the other stuff required for a SP experience. I hope to release it around autumn/fall time. But it's difficult to say exactly how long it will take at this point.


The end of the level will be open for a sequel, so if it's popular enough, I can make it happen.


The neon sign is actually animated Klo', so it does fit better in the level than the screenshot gives it credit.


Cheers for all the comments guys.


Oh yeah.. does anyone know if anyone is working on a Mace saber handle? Or a prequel era rifle? The level will be saber only, but it'll be a bit stupid if some of the enemies have E-11s...

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TOAM And BOAM. The Best things that ever happened :D especiallt the behind the scene of TOAM! lol! that was so funny! (or was it behind the scenes of boam? I don't really care it was so dammn funny!) :D I cant wait to see this new level :D It just sounds to good to be true! :D:D:D


-Lucko Mabri

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ah, animated, well that changes things. The episode 1 game was amazing. I loved the jawas getting mad at you, and if you kill one, they all attack you. You should def. model this level's gameplay after that. The merger of those 2 games would be incredible. too bad there isn't co-op play yet, that would make it even better (a master and his apprentice). great work.

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The EP1 game has some really cool stuff like NPC interaction, like with those Jawas. Unfortunatly, it's camera angles and actually gameplay blew. As well as all the really cheesy battles that never happened in the movies. Nevertheless, a decent PSX or PC game if you're bored.


Great work again, AK, anything that comes from you will be excellent!

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Yet it still looks good.

Lime, I'm surprised at you. It looks great, and the only thing you can think of to say is, "It looks like a medival village"

So? Maybe it's a super old spaceport, who cares, the map looks great.





:joreth: May the force be with you.

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Originally posted by Lime-Light

it looks more like a mideval vilage than a space port.


well yavin doesn't exactly look space-portish either -- neither does mos eisely for that matter. I love the environment, it has that used feel, I would recomend more random things in the streets maybe to give it a *more* space-sci-fi feel. perhaps some parked ships or speeders on the sides of the street (your billboard is also a good example of random technology). just some technology laying around or something. maybe some landing beacons too, or spotlights, it would be hard to land a ship in that dark purple sky.


Also, will there be random citizens and passers-by that aren't enemies walking around? that would be awesome. maybe if you kill a "pedestrian", then the city guards will come after you or something - then it will have that GTA3 feel to it. of course it does look like its night, so that would help you cause not as many people would be out and about at night.


I'm thinking it would benefit best if given a sort of small fish in a big pond feel. like in ep II when they went into the club and the diner, it showed that they were one of many people in the city, it wasn't just a landing pad, jedi temple, and senate like in ep I.


Also, does mace have a padawan? i know i should know this lol, but i dont so no one chastize me. if he does, maybe he can follow you around and when you get into larger saber fights or something, he can fight along with you. It could also add for more conflict in the story or something. He could get captured maybe...who knows.


just some random thoughts. you dont have to use any of them, just throwing them out there just to get you thinking. great screens by the way... they work now for me, wierd, dunno what happened.



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Yeah... there'll be plenty of civs... I'll probably adopt something from MotS, where if you kill one, your force power drains.


Mace doesn't have a padawan as far as I know, but even if he did, I'd prefer him to go solo on this.. it just kinda helps the narrative I've got planned.


As for it looking like a medieval town, well that's kind of what I'm going for... I've got the option here to design something completely different, why don't I use it? It's better than making an Imperial base level that so many other people have done before.

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