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Metal Gear Solid 2 Models


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In regards to Olga-Ninja Toy-


I got my Olga-Ninja figure at a local comic store..but good luck finding it, it's limited edition..comes in a box with a panoramic stand.It's NOT part of the Mcfarlane toy series, on a side ntoe, so don't bother looking on their website for it..And also, it isn't cheap, I paid 25 dollars for it, and the cheapest i've seen it since then is 50.


In regards to Haxor's av-


Um..yeah? it's..interesting..Is that the Monkey from HL:Firearms??


In regards to the master of kick-ass models, our man Darth Kitty (woo!)-


You kick ass, man..You just plain kick ass. *shakes head*


To anyone who wants a good laugh-


I saw a Gordon freeman (for those who don't know, the main character in half-Life) skin..You haven't seen funny skins until you've seen Gordon freeman, a Scientist with Glasses and a bright orange and gold space-suit-looking thing (dumbing it down for those who've not played), holding a bright yellow lightsaber, and doing a cartwheel (jedi moves 2.0, mwaha). I swear to god, i wanetd to get that skin and have someone who has it come on my server so I could bludgeon them to death by jumping on their head repeatedly.


speaking of...if anyone sees anyone form {DS} regularly in a server, let me know? I sort of want to get to know the members of my clan that I don't know yet..heh.


And ALSO (woof, hope I don't get in trouble..)


if anyone needs help, training, etc. etc., especially about CTF and Duels, I'm here for you..*shrug* My ebst duel record, using only light stance, was 38-1..Heh..hmm..Maybe I shoulda gone in that Gateway challenge thing..


Heh, if the models so far are any indication, I'm gunna die over Raiden ^_^


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by the way, ahs anyone gone to the adress at the bottom of my signature? *shrug* it's an image I made..So, Kitty, if you need av's done for screenshots upon completion ro whatever, just snark me the base pics and an outline, at either






PS: Snake model looks good, you did the detail great..only thing you need to do is a partial greyscale of the coloring on hit outfit to make it darker, and add the multitude of ammo clips hanging from the front of his suit harness ^_^ ciao.

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Hey. Making a great VR mission.


uber h@x0r, give me your e-mail so I can have you beta test it when it is done. Also I have had this problem before with new weapons (with my GORE 1.3 CODE). I make a new weapon in MilkShape 3d, then I save it correctly, then I .glm it and when I compile the mod, the weapon is side ways. Also it's skin is saved to models/players/model/skin.tga



yes the skin name it just skin.tga instead of the original texture which is in the weapons folder. And when I try to add a new weapon, it will of course use the same skin.tga but it won't find the texture that was for that gun.


Please help.



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I have to say that this models are quite good. I'm glad someone is making the models of such a great game that metal gear is for another good game that is jkII :)

I've been reading some of the threads and i tell you, to make models as the ones on mgs2 you dont need the expensive programs they used. You can do models as that ones with 3dstudio, or even with milkshape, but getting to that level takes time and practice :/

I would also ask if the hair is completely modeled. If it is, you could save lots of polys on the back of the head modeling just a plane surface of about 6 polys that covers all the back of the head and then apply a skin with transparency so instead of modeling all the hair you just have to draw it (thats the technique used on mgs2).

Again, congratulations for those good models, and keep working, we want more of them ;)

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