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Blood/Dismemberment Patch?


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Is there a Blood/Dismemberment patch that works in multiplayer and single player, that is in english?


Cause I have found many SP dismemberment patches, but they don't work in MP and most of them come in German. I can't read German, I only speak english.


If you have found a dismemberment patch for SP or MP or both that comes in english, can you please post it on this thread please.


Thank You in Advance.

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Ok, On MP I type in cg_dismember 2 and cg_dismember 3, I went to two different servers and it worked on the firat one but it never worked on the second server. What could be wrong?


A patch for SP and MP would be nice too.

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It's also simple logic (for me anyway) that a laser, which is enhanced light burns the wounds it makes...


Sunlight + magnifying glass = laser. Make a fine beam with that laser and you can burn things =-)


(Not to make people think I'm a pyro hehe)

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom

well why would you want blood with a lightsaber? they don't have blood for one major reason:


the lightsaber cauterizes wounds



it is so hot it closes the wound




Hmmm..how about blood when you kick? That would be nice. Or just a satisfying *crunch* of your boots embedding themselves in your opponents face would prob work too :D

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