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!!UPDATE!! Vader skin 70% complete!


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Sorry for the lack of updates guys!! My friend almost has the vader skin complete, although the arms and legs still need texure mapping. Here's some updated pics of what I have so far.













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I have to admit when I heard someone was making another Vader model I wasn't all that excited, but this really wonderful work you've done here, most impressive. Just have one question, have you been able to animate the cape at all?

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yes, I still plan on adding custom animations, and animating the cape in softimage if all goes according to plan. I will also add the blinking lights to the skin, and use jk2 shaders to add the shine.


morphius_doh, I agree after seeing the model skinned I can notice things that can be rescaled/changed. I plan on optimizing it after my friend is done skinning. I've already done so on the head which he's completed.

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daskers: he doesn't have the caps quite yet, but I'll start that as soon as the texture mapping/skinning is complete. And yes he will have a nice shine, I'll be using jk2 shaders for that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

<Insert Evil Laugh>


Puny modeller. You shall bow down to the great power of Darth Evil, for I shall be your new ruler. If you disobey me, you shall suffer the consequences by getting your head shaved, and getting a noogie for all eternity(Or until I get bored).


Actually, that's a GREAT model!


Keep up the good work!

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