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The 20$ Bill (You probably know what this is about...)

Guest King Andrei

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Guest King Andrei

There's something really suspicious about the 20$ bill. When you fold the bill, like this (See pics) you will notice that it show's the WTC and the Pentagon on fire.


What's more the WTC smoke (on the 20$ bill) is coming from the exact spot where the plane's hit the WTC. And on each side of the bill, you can see the words "United" and "America" which were words contained in the names of the Airplane Companies which planes crashed into WTC.


More than that, you can see written "Osama" on the 20$ Bill, if you fold it like this, the "O" comes actually from the zero, "S" comes from States, "AM", "A" from America.


Another suspicious thing is that 9(the month)+11(the day)=20(the $ bill)


This is too big to be just a coincidence. Discuss...





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It is coincidence. You can manipulate it all you want, but it wasn't intended to do that.


Who cares if the letters of "Osama" are in "20 United States of America." So is "On it Ed ate America." Big deal.


The second picture is kinda weird, but the fact remains, that's a real building on it. The white house really looks like that. You could probably make a lot of different pictures with it if you folded it alot. I can make sorta a pyramid out of it, the egyptions must be in on it too. :rolleyes:


So, 9 + 11 = 20, lots of things do. How about May 15, Feburary 18, January 19, March 17, April 16, June 14, July 13, August 12, October 10, November 9, or December 8?


Besides, what do you think this is, a copnspiracy? That the guy who drew the bill was in on the plan? Or maybe Osama himself drew the bill? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by WolfmanNCSU

You just had to type in some numbers/lettters that was suppose to have some significance to the situation (I forget which ones), then change the font to wingdings and the characters turned into planes and facing building and stuff.


Yeah, i remember seeing that, but apparently the numbers and letters had nothing to do with the real thing. Only their wingdings format showed the weird stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest King Andrei
Originally posted by Crazy_dog no.3

This appeared on the Renegade forums also.


And on GF Forums, EscapeMI.Com Forums, the list goes on...


I don't think it's spam if you post the same thing but on different Forums.

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