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Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Silvester Stallone

Guest King Andrei

Who will it be? Who will it be?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will it be? Who will it be?

    • Arnold Schwarzenegger will defenetly beat Silvester Stallone!
    • No way! Stallone will beat Schwarzenegger!
    • They will draw!
    • NO! They will throw down their weapons and settle this by intelligence not by force! :D (Who I am kidding here anyway? :rolleyess)

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Guest King Andrei

Since everyone is posting these kinds of topics, I'm doing it too.:D


So, who will it be?

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Guest King Andrei

Well, everyone, it looks like Arnold won with 4-2. Still, who voted that they will throw down their weapons?:confused:

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How could Sylvester win, Arnold as the T-800 Terminator would kick his Rambo/Rocky punk a$$.


Sylvester would try to taunt him, but Ahnuld wouldn't ne able to understand him. Then again, Ahnuld would be waiting for Ivan Reitman to direct him as to what to do......


I say, let them go for it intellectually, it's probably fry both of their brains!!!

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Guest King Andrei
Originally posted by BCanr2d2

I say, let them go for it intellectually, it's probably fry both of their brains!!!


I tought they both didn't have any brains.:D J/K


Anyway, I'm still wondering how could they settle this over intelligence, I know it's my thread, but that doesn't mean I know.:D Play chess?

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Hard to choose, so I'll go with who had the better movies. Arnold had better movies such as: Twins, Terminator, Terminator 2, Predator, etc. Stallone had good movies too though: Like Rocky and Rambo, really no better ones. In other words bad films such as Judge Dredd or Over the Top. Especially Over the Top, I mean he had to arm wrestle for the custody of his child for Christ's sake


All in all it would be a good fight. Maybe even a, no, not a great fight. It'd be missing something. I dont know what it is. Oh yeah. Arm Wrestling.

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