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Not a rant...I like this game


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I think the Multi player in this game is alot of fun...granted you have to be on the right server fior your style of play...if you want to run and gun..fine join that server...if you want to have good fights with sabres...there are servers out for that too..if you want to complain..dont play the game..wow lookk at that..everybody can really be happy.



As far as sabres go...think of Ass fighting as a weird Sabre style like monky Kung-fu....trust me ass fighters are easy to kill


As far as spammers..stay away until you have an opening..I have relized being Methodical works well in this game..choose your swings and time them



As far as scripters..I dont need them...but I have fought people that use them proudly...My hands and mind are faster than any scrip..unlike a script...I can change what I want to do mid combo...scripts cant...trust e agian easy to beat




This game is fun....even when Im fighting ass fighters I have fun..casue they look aso funny and are easy to kill



For those of you who think these 3 types of players are hard to kill..you need to learn all your sabre moves...trust me...have ing more than 2 attacks in your arsenal helps





Venik(Knights of Bogan)

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Originally posted by Venik


As far as scripters..I dont need them...but I have fought people that use them proudly...My hands and mind are faster than any scrip..unlike a script...I can change what I want to do mid combo...scripts cant...trust e agian easy to beat



Try Betting some fagget scripter with one of those voice typing thing! Evil!

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Originally posted by *Darth Vega*

There is no such thing as a cheap player, only a person who gets angry when they cannot adapt :D


Yes there is. People who kill you while you are talking are cheap, but as far as backstabbers are concerned....they are easily beaten

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Originally posted by JEDI_Nova


Yes there is. People who kill you while you are talking are cheap, but as far as backstabbers are concerned....they are easily beaten


depends on the type of game



if its a game such as a FFA, Team FFA, CTF, CTY or Jedi Master..i won't complain because they are all games that are not concerned with the individual person, big deal, you die once

hunt the person down and kill him/her if you want



if its a duel i will get mad at the person, because it is a duel, not a "kill everybody as fast as you possibly can"

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Me too lol...


Honestly I play the game for good sabre duels...so I stay to servers who dont use force save for jump..and sabre only.


I have found out that a sidestep and a downward Diagnal slash is my best friend againts most spammers or spinners..even butt fighters...I use med stance alot to..helps with blocking those fast swings...Also..I know it sounds so basic..but dont be theer when they try and backstab or DFA you..you gota keep moving. I have my jumped bound to my right click now.....when I fight a spammer its al about movement...


Get this last night Im in a server and this guy is doing that light spin the mouse atack thingy...so Im jumping all over the place..off walls...off him...back..up..side...every where...now....all he did was that spin attack...so I kept on jumping to avoid him..while getting in my hits here and there...then I cought him good....guess what...he calls me lame..for jumping out of his attacks way..and says im cheap!!?? So i was cheap for trying to avoid his attacks..while still attacking him...but I guess in his mind his spinning like a crazy man takes great skill. Hehe teh point is people will complain no matter what...and its to bad..casue I just play for fun..I mean if your not having fun..whay play..right?



-Venik(Knights Of Bogan)

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Originally posted by JEDI_Nova


Yes there is. People who kill you while you are talking are cheap, but as far as backstabbers are concerned....they are easily beaten


Whose fault is it that you're talking and not defending yourself? Theirs?

Or yours?

Then why would you get angry with them?

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Originally posted by JandoFett1842



Try Betting some fagget scripter with one of those voice typing thing! Evil!




Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok


I am beyond lost on that one...


well then I'm beyond ROTFLMAO on that one ....:ewok:

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If you elarn to deal with peps like that, you will ahve no problem, it's jsut people who whine that overshadow the community


I have found out that a sidestep and a downward Diagnal slash is my best friend againts most spammers or spinners..even butt fighters...I use med stance alot to..helps with blocking those fast swings...

note that you shoudl try the sidesteppnig swing where it has abotu 3-4 swings repeatedly with med and does'nt give em a chance, if you pull it off correctly you should take off a bout 80, u usually get about 40-60 if it's decent, that's really my best friend and the bonus is they can't hurt you with a swing properly because they're take damage, don't work against backstabbers tho. acutally don't even try.

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