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The Scout is the greateats weapon of all time, hands down...


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Man Ill tell you guys, the scout ownz. Its by far the best weapon in the game. When you get good with that gun you can kill people 100x easier than with other weapons. You just take a good backup weapon and some explosives and you will kill everyone who is unlucky enough to cross your path. Ill come out and say it, Im not afraid to tell you, I think I love the scout. Im also not afraid to brag, but I think I could hit the fleas off a horses back with gun, precise weapon that it is. Its all l337 for you people who appreciate that kind of "l337" talk. Best Weapon Ever!

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You guys dont know about the SCOUT???? My god, where have you been? Its only the most accurate weapon ever to grace a video game with its devine presence! Sweet lord, I love the scout. I caress my scout like a fine woman. Best weapon EVER!

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Either you're taking the piss or playing the wrong game. No such weapon here!!! What is it's name in the manual?


Read statement above, thank you.


Anyways, for those who have not got around to the game where 1337 5[]D34|< is abused more often then "your mom" jokes, the scout is the 2nd best sniper rifle in the game (I consider it the 1st, the AWM is for wusses).

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I just wanted to see how many people I could get stirred up by posting about the Scout. Which IS the best sniper rifle hands down. The AWP aint jack, its all in the accuracy and rate of fire. You can snap off 2 aimed shots with the scout before the AWP even has the bolt closed from the first.

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Well yeah, I do it on purpose all the time... What Im saying is when youre just throwing down cover fire or whatever and by some bass-ackwards chance one of your bullets catches a guy in the head.

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well considering a person's head covers about 10% of their height, and you're putting X amount of bullets into the air in their general direction, it stands to reason that 10% of your hits will be 'headshots'.


I fail to see what's so artistic about blowing someone's head apart, anyways. As long as they die before you do, mission accomplished eh?

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