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Heres A Good Arguement: JKII -VS- CS, what do you think?


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5 months ago when CS was a cheater/newb ridden lamer fest I walked away from it for other things (RTCW,JK2,SOF2). Since the release of 1.4/1.5 Ive recently returned to it giving it more of my attention as it has been a personal favorite for the last 4 years. Now Im torn between the two loves of my life, JK2 and CS (I retired RTCW/SOF2 due to lameness). The scout or the saber, the MP5 or the blaster, I just cant decide. They both offer great gameplay and features, and theyre both great time-killers, but Ive got problems with both (JK2-Scriptwhores, CS-The usual CS problems, you all know what Im talking about) so where should I land people?

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I never really got into CS, I much preffered TFC. I would have to say that I think JKII is the best game I have ever bought. If you want a good saber fight, no other SW game comes close, if you like guns, JKII offers some great weapons. I think JKII offers the best of both worlds in one nice neat little package. :D

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Knyte: what kinds of usual CS-problems are you referring to? I never played cs that much, and I'd like to know.


Personally, I got scared away from the "realistic gameplay" that cs offers: running with your knife out to move faster, pathetically unrealistic "sniper-rifles" and the fact that the money system was more based on personal skill than teamplay. And the winning team tightly constricted the budget of the losing team, making it even more unfair. Oh, and elitist attitude and eternal 13-year olds also bugged my online playtime. I wouldn't want to go back. Evah. And that game NEEDS an MP5 with silencer so badly.


Lexx: In my humble opinion, I think that jk2 is best with NF saberfights right now. If raven removed backstab from FFA and CTF I might want to check that out more, but right now I'm just tired of the pull-backstab routine... The guns are great in this game too, but after the patch I find the ammo just a little too strict. And since the saber is so f*ckin cool, I find myself using it as my only weapon mostly when in FFA or CTF.


If I want to play with guns and semi-realistic gameplay, I sit down and play day of defeat. For the atmosphere, mood and some good ole huntin': Aliens versus predator 2.

For über cool, awesome and absolutely fantastic melee fights: Jedi knight 2.


That would be all...

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In my humble opinion, I think that jk2 is best with NF saberfights right now.


Agreed. I mainly play on NF SO Duel servers. ;)


I bought this game for the saber battles and that will always be my first love. I do however venture into the land of Merc occasionally to have a good sniping session. I do miss that from playing TFC. I used to find my favourite map (can't remember the name of it now) and camp out in the church tower picking off every fool that ventured through the archway.

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Never really got into CS, I've been bored of guns based deathmatch ever since I got tired of Action Quake2.


Only reason I like jk2 is because of the sword play, even with the cheap moves that overshadow everything.


So with that in mind, jk2 roxxor CS. :p

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Cjais, for someone who never got into CS much you seem to know alot about the problems with it, you pretty much named them off. All of those are things Im not too crazy about CS over. Most of my other problems are based around the type of clientele that CS has been getting lately. It started out as hardcore HL fans who were into playing moded games and now its a home to lamers and people who complain way too much. My biggest beef is anyone that calls me newb whilst I headshot them with the scout from close range (for those of you who dont know thats difficult to do).


Yes, Xzzy Ill admit that the military/realism craze has gotten old, but CS started it all (well kinda, original RB6 started it for those who remember that) and its always been a personal fav, no matter what comes out I still find myself on the killing fields of dust.

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Aye, the swordplay in jk2 is by far the best, and the best of the kind as well.


On a sidenote... ahem... hafllife TFC had the most stinkin ugly explosions of all history in my opinion... Quake tfc is where it was at... hehehe


lexx, do you use the same name online? I'd like to play against people from this board :p

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CS still has some technical/hacking issues, but not a quarter as many as 6-7 months ago. Valve/Sierra did a good job fixing MOST of the hack issues, however some have slipped thru, Ive seen at least 10 people using blatant AIMhacks and things of that nature.

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Yeah, DoD was good, played it a few times but found it far too realistic for my liking. I know that sounds like a contradiction in terms but I think you know what I mean :( It's like watching old war films didn't really have any impact on me because they were all glorified but then I watched Saving Private Ryan, I began to really think about the war and what people must have gone through.


Am I getting too deep? Sorry!

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Yeah, one of my friends is a ww2 fanatic and he rents these old black and white ww2 films (that s*ck badly)...


But yeah, DoD is probably the best hl-mod out there right now IMHO. I used to play it all the time, but then avp2 and this game got in the way. I can understand why some people find it too realistic though, even though it has gotten a more mainstream appeal.

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I really like Counter-Strike; it's the "0Wnz0R r0Xorz j00 n00bz00rz" crap that turned me away from that game.

I could really care less about hacks; as long as I am not playing against one of these idiots everything is cool.


DoD was my #1 game while 1.3 was the current release, 2.0 pretty much revamped the entire game system, weapons and physics. It was a little too "realistic" for my tastes. And don't even get me started on the weapon-bob that was implemented in that version...


We can all argue over moves or patches, but honestly Raven did something very rare with this game.

The made a good Star Wars game.

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