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WIP : Low Poly Battle Droid


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how bout making a low poly gun to go with them cos if you leave a trail of carnage in single player with these. their corpses will go but guns will remain and slow u down. not noticable with a few but once getting into huge number of guns on floor it has a effect

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I have been working on the blaster as well, but that is harder because you have such a close up view of the md3 version of the weapon in 1st person.


It'll be lighter that the E-11 but not terribly so


The blue and red checkerboard is indeed my test map for alligning UVW mapping, and not my first skin attempt, all I was really showing you guys was that slight differances in the mesh.

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Ok, update time, I've just got my EP1 visual dictionary, and I can't believe how many cock-up I've made. I'm going to have to go over the mesh again and see what I can do about accuracy without adding many (if any) polys.

Although on the bright side, doing a skin is going to be a _lot_ easier now

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Thank you for the model you are doing. I really look forward to this because this other guy who was making a battle droid model suddenly dissapeared. I respect all you guys who actually update as consistently as you can. Theres so many dying threads and abandoned projects in this forum it seems. People shouldn't make WIP threads unless they plan to see a project through to completion.

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Ok this is just an idea for the skin, and it kinda says something about the rank of droids. I collected the figures for Episode I and there are 2 battle droids..Battle Droid and OOM-9 who is the general and the back of his head is yellow. If you watch TPM in the beginning when the droids g oto "destroy what's left of them" them being Obi and Qui, I think it is OOM-9 who goes "Check it out Corporal" and the Corporal goes "Roger, Roger" i think the corporal has a color too so you may wanna check that out.

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I pulled these off the video awhile ago for the other battledroid..







Probably not the best wav's you've ever heard, but it's a start.. and it's not like you'll actually be listening closely as you put your saber through a droids body :p


...i was thinkin, for the caps where you cut droids in half, are you gonna have it bright orange, like melted metal?

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and if you want,i have a wav of OOM-7 or whatever his name was.........i was wondering if someone could get me a wav of one of Jango's Seismic charges goin off......those sounded awesome.....it goes along with my sound affect/word i made......BAMMMMMMMF!

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Still working on it? oh yeah.

Because the skinmapping was such a chore I'm still not sure I'm happy with it, while I was making up my mind I decided that the lower legs and the hand needed some more work.


I managed to totally revamp the leg and save 2 poly's per leg, however I added 20 poly's per hand, but the hands are now _much_ more accurate.

I'm now fitting the revised bits back to the bones and I'll post pics of them when I'm done.


Still, minus backpack (which I consider optional) the model will be well under 1000 poly's


I'm thinking of posting to the skinning forum asking what style of skinmaps the skinners prefer, minimal deformation or contigious mesh segment (because you can't have both)


Oh and I'm looking at my recent animation discoveries, and trying to get a handle on XSI, and have something resembling a life at the same time.


Oh and I just found out the guy I used to work with is now earning well over double what I earn...... bugger

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